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  1. ajdlinux

    HSC 2010 School Rankings

    SCAS at 87th, a pretty good increase from our ~260 or so last year! :D
  2. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks and Exam Scripts - more money to be paid?

    Now that's a potential loophole. If it was made available for purchase immediately, it would be a clear case where they could use s59(1)(c) to reject it, but the Act doesn't specifically say they can defer until they choose to make the documents available for purchase. Definitely try it.
  3. ajdlinux

    Raw Marks and Exam Scripts - more money to be paid?

    Unfortunately, now that they're providing an official method of claiming the raw marks and papers, under the GIPA Act they can deny your GIPA request on the grounds that you can purchase it. So I don't think you have a loophole. :(
  4. ajdlinux

    'Assumed knowledge' and dropping subjects

    It depends what the course is. If you actually have to do a chemistry or maths course in your first year and you are struggling with HSC Chem and 2U, then I'd suggest you think carefully about it - you will find it very tough, at least without a bridging course.
  5. ajdlinux

    why anu?

    It's the BOS Man Stamp of Approval... try and figure out how one acquires it ;)
  6. ajdlinux

    What is "Study"?

    A definition I've used with great success from the start of high school until the first semester of uni... and then things started getting hard. :/ During year 12 I did barely any study outside of exam times, by which I mean a maximum of 1-2 hours a week for everything.
  7. ajdlinux

    Help: Does trial rank affect hsc mark?

    It's ranked per subject.
  8. ajdlinux

    2010 Semester 2 Chatter Thread

    This thread is for general/miscellaneous/OT discussion, short questions and the like. Normal forum rules apply.
  9. ajdlinux

    internal transfer vs UAC

    You do realise that if you apply through UAC they will require you to declare your previous studies anyway?
  10. ajdlinux

    ANU entry cut off

    ANU students aren't the best people to ask :p UC is fairly good for some courses e.g. Education, not as good for more theoretical stuff. uniTEST can give you 5 bonus points IIRC.
  11. ajdlinux

    ANU entry cut off

    ...obviously only for a year before you transfer to ANU :p
  12. ajdlinux

    ANU entry cut off

    ANU's base cutoff is around 82 if I remember correctly, but you can boost your entrance rank if you have other qualifications e.g. TAFE or if you do uniTEST.
  13. ajdlinux

    uni v apprenticeship

    According to some employers it is really like that: Young 'too lazy' to work - Local News - News - General - The Canberra Times
  14. ajdlinux

    enrol online?

    You generally can accept your offer online, it's just a matter of following the instructions on the UAC website. As for enrolment, it's dependent on your institution - I believe UNSW for example does it all online, whilst at ANU you generally need to do it in person. Although if you have to do...
  15. ajdlinux

    uni v apprenticeship

    It's not a rate difference, it's just that if you're a student on YA you only have to report changes in your study, whereas if you're a jobseeker on YA you have to show that you're looking for work. The Centrelink website explains it all.
  16. ajdlinux

    Which Law double degree is Better ?

    I'd say Sci/Law since you've already got 2.5 years towards a science degree.
  17. ajdlinux

    uni v apprenticeship

    Yes except you'd be moved onto a jobseekers' payment and have to report accordingly.
  18. ajdlinux

    uni v apprenticeship

    Well, you do the first as soon as you've decided on uni (or TAFE, for that matter), and you do the second as soon as you have accomodation sorted out (whether it's on-campus or whether it's private). IIRC, $236 per fortnight, but then there's a whole load of rules about Income Bank and so on...
  19. ajdlinux

    uni v apprenticeship

    Full rate YA is $377 a fortnight, full rate RA is $113.40 a fortnight. (Assuming you're single without children, of course.) If you notify Centrelink of your intention to study they will continue you on your present rate of YA between end of school and start of uni. One thing you don't want to...