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  1. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re I never said nor mentioned my nationality nor race, talking about the worse you probably are a refugee migrant from some islamic country who escape persecution yet bite the hands of the ones who feeds you at...
  2. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re if you have exactly the same shitty situation in australia or anywhere else there is no point in calling kettle black if you are a pot, because you are just as black as a kettle and no one will take you...
  3. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re It is not difficult to compare socialist with capitalist countries, just compare Cuba with its neighbours such as the Bahamas, Aruba, Dominican Republic etc. It is an area with unrivalled oportunities for...
  4. Aryanbeauty

    Another school shooting in the US

    Yeah this news of 5 girls killed by a gunman sure made USA more dangerous than Russia where more than 344 civilians were killed by Gunmen including 186 students. The reason is american lives are more precious than non americans and whenever things like these happen it shook the whole world !
  5. Aryanbeauty

    US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the Stone Age"

    Not surprising considering Pakistan's involvement and support of terrorist activities world wide. Most Terrorist and their leaders all happened to travel to Pakistan to get some form of training either spiritual, moral or bomb making techniques notably Hambali (Bali bomber now in...
  6. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Capitalism destroyed and replaced feudalism almost two hundred years before socialism was introduced in russia and China. Compare: Under Industrial revolutions working conditions were poor but there...
  7. Aryanbeauty

    Citizenship - The Citizenship Testing Discussion Paper

    fear of retribution maybe, fear of justice, fear that they maybe held in guantanamo for the rest of their life and the success of intelligence network and police, and co-operation between various countries' intelligence and police.
  8. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re It is not white people's fault that black people are fat! There are plenty of health foods, fresh fruit more than you can eat and are extremely CHEAP in USA. Any obese person should blame himself or his...
  9. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    "Poverty" here isn't like poverty in the past or in most other places in the world. For example, starvation was a constant danger for most of humanity since time immemorial, but it is almost unheard of today in America even with all its three hundred million occupants. Most people "below the...
  10. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re 170666.67 yet only the number 1 person has income higher than this The working poor cant have US$ 500,000 income, average are not calculated on simple method like you used, there are more accurate...
  11. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re the working poor in USA made average income of US $18800 or AU$ 25000 compared to middle class income in India and China US$ 4000-8000.
  12. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re In the US the minimum wage is less than $6 (US dollars) an hour. Unskilled workers who work full time still live in poverty due to the low wage rates and many work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. These people are...
  13. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re It isn't only the mexicans, I think that somebody has mentioned the "Black Belt" of poverty in the south-eastern states of America. It is quite difficult to get a job in these areas with high population and...
  14. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Apparently they chose to live in poverty. If an illegal mexican migrant can send 1000 $ a month to his family backhome in mexico and pay his own living expense there is enough jobs and opportunities for...
  15. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Surprise to those who says Iraiqs want US to leave Iraq IRAQI President Jalal Talabani has called for a long-term US military presence in Iraq, saying his country will need two permanent US air bases to...
  16. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re For those who say Lebanese support Hizbollah: BEIRUT, Lebanon - An anti-Syrian Christian leader dismissed Hezbollah's claims of victory in its war with Israel as tens of thousands of his...
  17. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Since America is the biggest donor of aid to other countries and the biggest contributor to UN, I will not say america exploit other countries. tell me which people america tried to eliminate or a country...
  18. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Whether america intervene or not Shite and Sunni will keep killing eachother, american casualties are price to pay for keeping america safe , there are no regrets. yeah.. lol thats why 500k lebanese people...
  19. Aryanbeauty

    War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (ret.)

    Re: War with Iran close, and US forces likely already on the ground- USAF Colonel (re Shows your knowlege about american economy, when was the last time american economy collapsed? When was the last time they experienced depression? If american economy were to collapse it would be the world...
  20. Aryanbeauty

    The terrorism theory President Bush refuses to hear

    Bin Laden died of Typhoid lol!