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  1. melsc

    Failing Law

    My average was 5.125 (basically a credit average with one HD thrown in) and a UAI of 94.0
  2. melsc

    Law students - any views on the now belonging to the Arts Faculty?

    The Law faculty was struggling before hand and it will now, we get no funding and aren't well respected anyway
  3. melsc

    Failing Law

    most students find it takes them a while to settle into the law units, its a different style of writing and thinking, you will most likely find your marks will improve next year. Good luck!
  4. melsc

    What sort of WAPM are you averaging?

    12 inches... my first year or two was credit, my later years tend to be credit-distinction, its harder coz at MQ we have a weird GPA system where D/HD = the same which means you cant really balance out credits etc.
  5. melsc


    You sound like such a snob, because really the service differs that much? The check-outs run smoothly and quickly so there isnt much waiting, if you dont like it fine, but your 'phobia' is unwarranted and if you haven't tried it how can you comment! I hate it when people put there opinion in...
  6. melsc

    Kissing question (females opinion needed)

    Ditto, a friendly kiss that is not on the lips and friendly flirting just sounds like she was being nice and just having a bit of fun, don't see anything behind it.
  7. melsc

    age gap 13 yr old and a 27yr old?

    She is under the age of consent and he is over the age of consent, therefore she cannot consent to sexual intercourse and if this does happen he can be charged with sexual assault. Its gross and weird, wtf do 13 year olds and 27 year olds have in common!
  8. melsc

    You know you're a law student when:

    When someone says something you think of its legal use rather than every day use. You start to use double negatives You use double negatives but do not intend them to mean a postitive *cough* not insignificant* You murder highlighters by over use Your eye sight deminishes You have...
  9. melsc

    part time job.

    I think a job is helpful during the HSC as it provides a break from study and helps you better manage your time. If you go to uni you will find most of us work a fair bit along with full time study and cope fine. In fact uni requires more discipline than the HSC and the workload is even more...
  10. melsc


    Most of their food is great and if you want basics in particular you can save heaps. The lesson is to try stuff and if you don't like it, don't buy it. They are also really good for random stuff and a lot of their products are made in Australia. I like: - Their biscuits (esp the chocolate...
  11. melsc

    I got a distinction, but not an actual mark.

    I know the sociology subjects used to only give a grade so people couldn't figure out the magic number they needed for a bare pass and aim for that. I don't know if they still do that.
  12. melsc

    does anyone not drink

    I love how people who have never drunk presume that all people who do, do so irresponsibly. Just because your friends drink to excess doesn't mean everyone else does. I don't care if you don't drink, I don't think you are weak or uncool but I hate when non-drinkers claim the moral high...
  13. melsc


    At least on some level they have to want to quit for themselves, if they are just doing it to stop the nagging then it wont help. If they really want to do it they will need support, encourage them to get help (going to a support group, quitting with a friend, seeing a doctor or using...
  14. melsc

    Healthy foods on a student's budget

    Try to shop at places like Aldi (most of their basics like bread pasta etc are very cheap) or markets (fruit and veg is much cheaper) Also when you cook why not freeze left overs for another night or buy in bulk (e.g. meat) and separate into individual portions and freeze. Also cook on the...
  15. melsc

    The pill

    I think Dianne is for pimples isnt it? Your doctor should know though My advice is that when starting a new pill would be to give it time, it should settle down and if not maybe you might need to switch again but do wait and try not to be hastey about switching. In the meantime try a...
  16. melsc

    Current job dilema, good to have during HSC?

    Two jobs means that you will pay a higher tax rate on one (like close to 50% of it will go to tax). You'd be better off finding another job, keep the one you have until you find another one though. I think a job is helpful during the HSC as it provides a break from study and helps you...
  17. melsc

    Beep Test tips (MSFT)?

    Improve fitness, practice makes perfect. Once your fitness improves you will find it will take longer for you to feel tired.
  18. melsc

    Is Medicine really a hard course?

    That is because often native speakers take continuers courses and thus ace it. The way I see it medicine would be much like law, the workload, duration of the course and responsibility required are what make it hard. Additionally the skills required would take time to learn and a lot is...
  19. melsc

    Congratulations to all those graduating/graduated this year!

    I will get two yes, the major for the non-law degree is not written on the piece of paper either way unless its a specific degree (i.e. arts-psych etc). So I got my Arts degree (with no mention of my sociology major) and then my law degree will be a B Laws...if I did one graduation it would...
  20. melsc

    Congratulations to all those graduating/graduated this year!

    Combined/double degree same thing. Yes, you can and that is what I did. You just have to elect to do so by applying to graduate after the completion of the first degree and then after the second.