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  1. breaking


    HSC: 1998 :uhoh:
  2. breaking

    How big is your sex drive?

    who caressssssssss
  3. breaking

    Worst compliment you've ever received from a SO/love interest

    hahahahaha fuck, i remember posting this (just for the record that didn't actually happen lol)
  4. breaking

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    i actually plan to start exercising/working out again from today... i'm sure it'll last like, a whole week or something but hey
  5. breaking

    How big is your sex drive?

    wouldn't like 3+ times a day, every single day be slightly tiring lol
  6. breaking

    internet dating

    oh okay cool, thanks for the heads up man!
  7. breaking

    How big is your sex drive?

    wow lol
  8. breaking

    Is this slutty?

    lol ay0_x just negged me with the comment "go feel up 14 year olds, weird fuck." :uhoh:
  9. breaking

    Is this slutty?

    very slutty imo.
  10. breaking

    internet dating

  11. breaking

    internet dating

    well whenever someone asks me how i met my girlfriend and i'm like "internet, lol"... nobody has really laughed or been like "omg loser" or anything like that..... well they probably do, but not to my face or whatever haha
  12. breaking

    internet dating

    bos is way better just sayin'
  13. breaking


    she's learning from the best, clearly
  14. breaking


  15. breaking

    saying i love you on the first date

    yeah i'd be a bit scared, really
  16. breaking

    Haven't had action

    every single post by boganxcore in l&r has made me cringe massively
  17. breaking

    Soundwave Festival 2010

    LOL! lmao, seriously