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  1. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    how is it ? lol its not like i go up to random guys, its usually someone im seeing or a guy friend and it usually just comes up and i find a way to ask whoever i find attractive kinda like this thread.. but not
  2. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    I ask LOL if I like someones body or w/e i ask how much they weigh, what size jeans they wear etc
  3. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    36 for a guys ass is *PERFECT*
  4. Yo1anda

    Songs that send shivers down your spine?

    staind- excess baggage deathcabforcutie- i will follow you into the dark
  5. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    pshttt that traitor can SUCK IT and- I think most girls do appreciate mass and strength. its kind of lolworthy when skinny guys are like I HAVE RIPPED ARMS AND ABS. no one cares ugh
  6. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    lmfao :\ i have no idea what to say to that but yeah we notice that if a guy is built his tricep "pops" or w/e when he extends his arm that said i have better triceps than most guys yeh
  7. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    one of my friends squeezed my arm today and was like "shit. nice. do you go to the gym?" no, I dont. but i lug around this 6 kilo bag all day, TY FOR ASKING. was so fucking proud though
  8. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    going to college and then being influenced by lazy friends and not going to any classes
  9. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    i know i was joking youre thinner than i guessed though
  10. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    you forgot to carry the 2
  11. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    its no one else's fault that you have no muscle mass m8 >:[
  12. Yo1anda

    Anybody NOT going to schoolies at all?

    how the fuck do you kids pay for your overseas schoolies?
  13. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    uh you cant be fat, get better self esteem please. and before anyone starts with the BMI IS BULLSHIT RARARA campaign- BMI is bullshit when youre looking at bodybuilders and professional athletes. if youre normal its fairly accurate
  14. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    in a thread where it was easily overlooked, not a thread ABOUT WEIGHT AND SIZE where people are coming to compare and note my use of "want" instead of "need"
  15. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    i dont want to hear any of this "lose weight" business unless your bmi is >25 because your delirious psychobabble is fucking with everyone else's self image ok
  16. Yo1anda

    What I am doing/wearing today

    tights and shorts bob marley hoodie boots and beanie i am sick of my hair looking like justin biebers ugh grow
  17. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    the word youse the fact that I have to train myself to speak like an intelligent human being when its so easy to succumb and just start screaming bro and youse
  18. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    photo policeeeeee and whoever said they wanted to lose 5 kilos stfu 160cm and 49kg IS lean what you want is the "broomstick" look
  19. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    a mix of muscular and chubby
  20. Yo1anda

    Whats the size of your...?

    no you dont