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  1. Yo1anda

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    completely plausible since he spends $2000 on them a year
  2. Yo1anda

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    maybe he ~eats shoes~
  3. Yo1anda

    How much money do you spent on clothes every month?

    lol holy fuck shut up little boy
  4. Yo1anda

    Hardcore Punk

    sid vicious is rolling in his grave
  5. Yo1anda

    Qn to the modern day Muslim youth...

    yeah I know guys who do it here too I was more making the point that in that culture that's what's socially expected and the guys know that its a FUCK OFF DONT LOOK OR YOULL GO TO HELL but they still look
  6. Yo1anda

    you'll seeeeeeeeeeee

    you'll seeeeeeeeeeee
  7. Yo1anda

    only gonna breakbreak your heart

    only gonna breakbreak your heart
  8. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    super annoyed at my procrastination and fear of commitment atm
  9. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    similar situation wishing i was better at smalltalk and such i'm annoyed by really loud people like this chick who hangs out with us having to scream all the fucking time OMG IM SO HYPO I JS DRANK REDBULL
  10. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    yeah hes a gentleman he'd ~fondle~ you
  11. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    youre as bad as me and shane
  12. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    god why dont you two just date already
  13. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    well *I* im better than all your shit metal ok
  14. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    brb gotta put on hijab first
  15. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    I AM ATLEAST AS AWESOME AS OMIE JAY OK if not more awesome
  16. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    m8 im a westie DO YOU REALLY WANNA WANNA do you really wanna fugwimmeee I am really annoyed by people wearing havaiianas in this weather *moist* feet are omg
  17. Yo1anda

    Things that annoy you.

    i hate that i get my haircut only to have it grow back in a month and cant afford upkeep argh