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  1. mserica

    hey remember me?... lol

    WELCOME BACK - We will have to catch up soon!! YouTube fotos look amazing!
  2. mserica

    Online Services Downtime Thread

    Re: [Official] WebCT/MQ Services Downtime Thread There was issues all day yesterday - though from my understanding, this has all now been fixed.
  3. mserica

    100 level elective for 2nd sem 07

    BBA111 - Organisational Behaviour, its pretty straight forward and little effort is required to pass!
  4. mserica

    When do we get out results?

    I actually am enjoying not knowing my results - so the longer the wait the better!!
  5. mserica

    Williams Business Studies College Scholarships

    I went into full time work and studied part time in HR, as the business admin dipolma gave me a general understanding and then I wanted to pursue a career in HR. Resort Island - Oh la la how nice would that be!
  6. mserica

    Vent about exam time here

    Of the people I spoke to, they said it was hard.. though there was a few who said it was great... so im hoping they need to scale me up!! Not much I can do about it until results come out. Will keep you posted!
  7. mserica

    Williams Business Studies College Scholarships

    I did the Business Administration Dipolma and well it a pretty well structured course from what I recall and the flexibility to the subjects was not as high as TAFE yet not as tight as Uni.. What are you hoping to do after you finish College... you off to uni or the workforce?
  8. mserica

    Vent about exam time here

    Failed Failed Failed Psychology - so dissapointed in myself was by far the hardest exam in my life (even worse than stats - now thats saying something) boooo hoooo - im just dreading having to do the uni again, not to mention it stuffs up my uni schedule
  9. mserica


    Bring on the holidays - no more exams for me, though I work full time so its not really holidays its more so "NO UNI" Wahoooo!!! I get to have my evenings and weekends back!!
  10. mserica


    So So Bored - I welcome any distraction!!
  11. mserica

    Williams Business Studies College Scholarships

    What course are you doing? I found that by studying at williams, it contributed to succeeding in obtaining one of my first positions, as the name of the college is so well respected in the workforce - so hang in there.. after u graduate it will be well worth it!! U @ North Sydney... I...
  12. mserica

    Williams Business Studies College Scholarships

    How did you go with the scholarship. I went to williams a few years ago - it was pretty good back then, not sure if its changed much!
  13. mserica

    any private college students??

    I went to williams a few years ago - loved it!!! Relaxed approach, yet still prepared you for the workforce! So different to Tafe and Uni!
  14. mserica

    Grad Pay Estimates

    wildwildwest - do you have any experience (or just the degree?) as it will make a massive difference in your salary.
  15. mserica

    The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread

    Glitterfairy - without a doubt that is possible (its how i pass uni) It just means a hell of alot of mocha/coffee to ensure u get it done on time - and in my case ususally endless supplies of kitkat, twirls, crunchies and anything chocolate.!!!
  16. mserica

    B Hrm ne1?

    Skittled your right, entry to BRHM used to have an interview component, however its no longer there.. you now need a UAI (I think its around 80 - 85) When I started the degree, they werent on the AHRI accreditation lists either and well obviously still not on there, however I can confirm they...
  17. mserica

    PSY104 Exam

    Sorry Guys, been stressing out and havent been on for a few days.... The main part I find difficult would have to be neuropsychology almost everything and anything to do with this area - which seems to be a significant component of the unit aswell so I have no choice but to figure out a way of...
  18. mserica

    PSY104 Exam

    I have read through some threads from 2005 and 2006 and they have helped with regards to the PSY104 Final Exam. Skittled mentioned in another thread HRM students he knows find psychology hard, i dont know him, but I will put myself into that group. I understand completely the HRM subjects...
  19. mserica

    B Hrm ne1?

    I Love it, but I am bias!!! I must say as much as I like the degree - working in the field is so much better - all in all its worth it!!
  20. mserica

    International Human Resources - Anyone done this?

    .... Has anyone done this course?....