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  1. chewy123

    For 2008ers: Does SAM (from 2007) and your actual UAI differ much?

    SAM 2007 gave me 95.xx 2006 gave me 96.xx I got exactly 96.00
  2. chewy123

    Results Tomorrow

    that time of the year already so fast...
  3. chewy123

    Summer Holidays Chatter Thread 09-10

    MY enrolment took less than 15 minutes!:) though i planned the timetable beforehand. Previously it can take up to 3 hours before completing enrolment. And congrat onholidays!! Justina, if you're doing Bcomm wouldn't you have to do gened? and I think you have some free options too? Why would...
  4. chewy123

    Scared that I won't get into course!

    Unless you're a rural student or mature age student then early round isn't for you. Be patient and wait for the main round. Plus uni don't lie.
  5. chewy123

    hecs help

    At UNSW there is no form. While you enrol via the internet you tick a box that says defer fees, and that's done. As other said, the important thing is to have a TFN.
  6. chewy123

    assessment marks for roughly 95 atar

    fyi, i just remembered they scaled the marks to make it look better, my raw chem is in the 60s, my raw eng is in the 70s, they didn't scale eco, bio and ext 1 i believe
  7. chewy123

    assessment marks for roughly 95 atar

    I got 96.00, school ranked 180 during my yr. Here Chem- 76% Eco - 92% Eng Adv - 84% Eng ext 1-38/50 Math 2u - 85% Bio - 77% I dug that up just for you, say thank you:P.
  8. chewy123

    What's the difference between...

    UNSW Handbook Program - Commerce (International) - 3538 UNSW Handbook Program - Commerce (Liberal Studies) - 3539 Scroll down and look at a table titled sample program.
  9. chewy123

    What's the difference between...

    Liberal studies requires you to do study some critical analysis courses, and allows you to pick some free options in the art and science faculty. International gives you the oppotunity of visiting another country.
  10. chewy123

    BCom or Economics (what's the dif)?

    inaccurate info, please ignore..
  11. chewy123

    2009 Exam Results and Predictions

    congrat danz on all the hds...i cant believe it has been 1 yr since we were worrying about our uai on bos lol
  12. chewy123

    Hi ive got a question about ATAR

    When did they changed to an abcde system??
  13. chewy123

    what does this mean? and where to find

    ^^no, i m an 08er, my guide is outdated, but i think morbo is right.
  14. chewy123

    what does this mean? and where to find

    they will publish uni offers in media such as the smh. So if you got an offer in bachelor of midwifery at uts. Your name and your course code will be published in the sydney morning herald, you will be famous;)
  15. chewy123

    I wanna pass but I dont want to study at all!

    If attending lectures/tutorials and doing minimally required homeworks are not counted as "studying", and you do those things, then it's possible. In fact, if you're efficient at doing those things you might even do better than just a pass. If you want to pass doing absolutely nothing then I...
  16. chewy123

    compleed my associate degree. What are my chances get into uni

    ^I don't see why you would skip a semester unless you wanted to. Uni generally starts at March or late Feb, so plenty of time.
  17. chewy123

    Fail = Permanently on record???

    ^cheer up onholidays!! there are a lot of us around in the same boat with you ;) including me, let's just hope things finally smooth next semester. this has been a destructive 1st yr..from now on there are no where to go but up.
  18. chewy123

    transfer into unsw law

    ^There is no harm in trying;), if you do, also tell him that QMA's fail rate is 30%!!
  19. chewy123

    All nighter on BoS on dec16th

    AHhh I remember how I used to do this last yr. Spending hours going through past year's "share your UAI" thread and fantasizing the day I get my UAI. so nostalgic.... Good luck with your atar kids!!