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  1. Aplus

    Fountain Pens!

    Downside: It's annoying how the ink can be too thick and when you turn the page the whole page is covered with the ink from the other side = = "
  2. Aplus

    2008/09 English premier League

  3. Aplus


    Eggs have high cholesterol though.
  4. Aplus


    I Disagree.
  5. Aplus

    How much sleep do we need?

    I get about 6-7 hours a day.
  6. Aplus

    Are you Stressing?

    University is more relaxed apparently.
  7. Aplus

    Is hsc English a real subject?

    According to the Board Of Studies it is a subject. So less QQ please.
  8. Aplus

    Pens in the HSC

    What restrictions? It's just a pen.
  9. Aplus

    English Preprations

    For essays: Know your text/s inside out. Memorise as many quotes/techniques/contextual information/etc. as you can. You do this by constantly drafting, planning, writing and rewriting practice essays to the point that everything you need is already in your head and all you need to do is to draw...
  10. Aplus

    Results- How are you going?

    Yes. Why couldn't you?
  11. Aplus

    Rank + Friendship

    If you are jealous of/hate people who are ranked higher than you, that just says something about yourself, which isn't all too flattering by the way.
  12. Aplus

    Series And Sequence

    Make it an inequality. Tn > 3
  13. Aplus

    Fire Evacuation during Exam

    School should have common sense to not schedule a fire drill during an examination period.
  14. Aplus

    6 mark question?

    6 marks = 6 distinct components for your answer. So probably 5-6 sentences.
  15. Aplus

    How much work is every doing?

    Homework - Hardly unless necessary Study - 3-4 hours on weekdays, 6-7 (max 8) hours a day
  16. Aplus

    2008/09 English premier League

    The way I supported Livepool was when I was 6 or 7 my parents (who aren't really serious football fans) bought me a Liverpool jersey. Since then I have always supported Liverpool.
  17. Aplus

    Anyone else reckon teachers/parents got it way easier than us?

    I thought you could be given the cane for any mundane reason. For example: You get a question wrong = Assume you didn't pay attention = Cane
  18. Aplus

    Processing information

    I thought it was 'processing' the information to evaluate the reliability, validity and accuracy of it.