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  1. grk_styl

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    bahahah smart arse! lol no really, if i tell a guy my name and he remembers it at the end of the night (and the next few days), he's in. this guy who was chasing my friend last month kept asking me wat her name was coz he couldnt remember it. He's lucky my friend isn't like me, coz I would...
  2. grk_styl

    Your 'thing'. (not about penises)

    if we're talking about what i wonder straight away if there's a hot guy around me, then I'd say his bum. I have a thing for a guy's arse. And not in some perverse way. I just find some of them really attractive lol but that's also shallow. so if we were talking about something more serious...
  3. grk_styl

    Has anyone received email confirmation of enrolment yet?

    when u pay (by however, phone, internet, etc) it takes them a whole week to send you your confirmation (and student ID card). Since you sent it on the 10th, I'm asusming you should have gotten it by now. But the mailman could be having a holiday. Wait til this arvo, and give the uni a call...
  4. grk_styl

    Ahh im so confused. Boys. teh!

    i went through a similar situation. we left it hanging for over a year, then I called him to talk and get closure. He refused to give me closure, so I had to some how get it without him (easier said than done). I think you need to be weary of this and also remember to think about yourself in...
  5. grk_styl

    Do You think...???

    well, i agree. but in reality, society IS shallow. and society these days requires you to be a certain size
  6. grk_styl

    Do You think...???

    actually the "intelligent" person you speak of, is most probably referring to anorexic people. She has every right to say what she said, considering, chloe mentioned that australia has a lot of "fat women" (worded loosely) since the avg woman is a size 14. Of course sexy is a subjective...
  7. grk_styl

    Do You think...???

    I thought that was WAY out of line, so freakin low. Very insensitive and an absolute generalisation. But back to the question. The way I have felt about my body has always affected what I wear. For most of my teenage years I was a size 14, and I dressed specifically to my weight. I didn't...
  8. grk_styl

    Semester I Timetable (2006)

    dz, don't forget the uni allocates u a timetable. so don't get ur hopes up too high. admittingly, I did look at the timetabled units and it looks like I should get fridays off. if not, i'll request it. i'm only doing 15 hours a week, surely I can get a day off.
  9. grk_styl

    50 Cent concert #2

    hiphop is being see, just coz he hates 50, he believes everyone else should :rolleyes: moving along...they will probably tell u no flash photography, but everyone brings a camera and there's flashes everywhere so security can't really tell where its coming from. lol my...
  10. grk_styl

    Bra ad on the radio "we can fit anyone"

    i just saw an ad in the local paper which sounds similar. "DeBras" - Bras for Everybody. They fit B - JJ. Don't know about A though. The address is: 1/41 Dunmore Street Wentworthville (which is about 15 mins from Burwood). i hope that helps!!
  11. grk_styl

    Timetable confusion?/

    the numbers are the weeks of the semester. 1-5 = first five weeks of semester 7-13 = the last weeks of the semester. You miss out on week 6 because it is the Easter break. Some tutes will say [2-12] which means they start in week 2 and go until week 12/
  12. grk_styl

    Bridging Courses

    I start my bridging course tomorrow. Statistics for Psychology. I am definitely not looking forward to it. I haven't done any sort of mentally challenging work since last October and I haven't done any maths since i finished school a year ago. Ug. 9-5 is steep! mine is 10-1 for 6 days.
  13. grk_styl

    collars up?

    let's not generalise shall we :) but not everyone has the money to buy RL shirts which I think are boring anyway. Industrie has really nice t's. right, coz the world is "nasty" because Industrie exists. The world is nasty because of dirty hoes. :rolleyes:
  14. grk_styl


    Depends what subjects u do of course. I used all my textbooks and books in first year. Find out from people who did ur subjects last year. Wait until the 2nd week of uni if u want to find out from other people
  15. grk_styl

    Brazilian Wax

    maybe girls don't see it as a problem. I could never keep it full. I have a low tolerance to pain, but I can't go without
  16. grk_styl


    they havent come up yet on co-op website. majority of texts are in the store though, so ring up first, tell them ur unit of study codes and they will tell u if they've got those books. then u can go in and get them.
  17. grk_styl

    Home and Away

    tasha probably will go to the funeral. im glad they're going to end the believers crap but i wish they'd do it tomorrow and dedicated tonight's ep to flynn again.
  18. grk_styl

    Orientation Week 2006

    Re: 0rientation Week that 90s night looks pretty inviting!! it sounds like last year had more events
  19. grk_styl

    Home and Away

    hooooray! for stickyness! The Believers crap is really putting a downer on Home and Away. I'm so sick of it dragging on and on. Tasha is starting to annoy me. When she does find out, I do hope everyone hates her. They shouldn't forgive her for a VERY long time. Especially Robbie. Coz he's so cute!
  20. grk_styl

    whats the most you have spent on a pair of shoes?

    $130 on sneakers (and they were on my staff discount of 40% as well!) $60 on heels. I can't justify spending more than $80 on heels.