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  1. ajdlinux

    Honours entry

    I'm not sure whether it's across all departments, but that could be the case. From what I gather, it's regarded as a transfer probably in the same way as a transfer in 2nd or 3rd year would be treated. So you'd put in all the transfer paperwork well before you're scheduled to graduate from your...
  2. ajdlinux

    ANU Roll Call/About You Survey

    Okay, I suppose as the mod here I should probably post :p I'm a first year BA/BSc, living at the absolutely amazing Ursula Hall, intending to major in Political Science, International Relations and Computer Science (Double) with about 15 contact hours a week and one free day. :D
  3. ajdlinux

    state rankings??

    My understanding is that the HSC mark is the average rounded, and if more than one person has the same HSC mark, they calculate the average using the two marks to a decimal place and don't round it. (I could be wrong, maybe they're using a completely different definition of HSC Mark from the...
  4. ajdlinux

    state rankings??

    HSC Mark = Round[(Exam Mark + Assessment Mark)/2], so internal marks will always be taken into account I think.
  5. ajdlinux

    Am i eligible for a UAI/ATAR?

    It's not an official category, I know that...
  6. ajdlinux

    state rankings??

    "Students are ranked by their HSC mark. Where students have equal HSC marks, they are then ranked by the average of their examination marks and their assessment marks, each taken to one decimal place. In the case of extension courses, marks awarded for other courses in the subject area are...
  7. ajdlinux

    Am i eligible for a UAI/ATAR?

    I presume Cat C in this case refers to Board Endorsed Courses that aren't Cat A or Cat B?
  8. ajdlinux

    school sends in wrong assessment marks

    Assessment Rank Order Notice published on Students Online - they even send you several letters about it in the weeks leading up to it so there's no excuse for not checking.
  9. ajdlinux

    school sends in wrong assessment marks

    As far as I know, it is too late - you had your chance to review it when the Assessment Rank Order Notice was released in November, at which point you could have sought an administrative review from the school and from OBOS. Although even then, it's probably worth talking to your HSC coordinator...
  10. ajdlinux

    Commonwealth Equity Scholarship and Start Up, do I get both?

    I got mine on Monday night/Tuesday. Were you one of the students who had to fill out a details form, or is Centrelink just taking a week or two to clear everyone?
  11. ajdlinux

    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    It depends on the uni. (Hint: everyone who hates bell-curve scaling should come to ANU :p )
  12. ajdlinux

    Model UN assembly

    I haven't done MUNA, but if you're going to MUNA and have an interest in serious debating I highly recommend you think about the Perez de Cuellar Shield, which is awesome :)
  13. ajdlinux

    ATAR Estimate?

    I'll be a bit more conservative and say 98+ ;)
  14. ajdlinux

    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    This is no longer correct. In the New HSC (i.e. post-2001), marks are aligned to Performance Band Descriptors through the use of cutoffs, i.e. a committee decides that a raw mark of 62 is the cutoff for a borderline Band 3 result of 70, or whatever is appropriate for the particular exam paper in...
  15. ajdlinux

    Atar guesstimate

    If you were really going to some effort, you'd know that you need to align the raw mark scores before using an ATAR calculator. We sort of know what we're doing here. That said, OP, you will need to improve dramatically to have a good chance at uni - but there's still time.
  16. ajdlinux

    How is the Dux determined at your school?

    My school determines an order of merit, and I think it's the top 8 of us who receive awards, with 1st being Dux. I'm not sure how it's worked out but I think it's basically a combination of scores and ranks over all subjects. It didn't have much correlation with the ATAR in my year, our dux...
  17. ajdlinux

    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    If you're in the middle of the year, your assessment mark should be about the middle of the marks received by the rest of your year. Of course this depends on a few things like the gaps between different ranks in your year and so on, but that's what should generally happen. If you're at a...
  18. ajdlinux

    ATAR cutoffs are different for different UNIs because...?

    As said it's mostly supply and demand, however unis can also adjust their cutoffs for other factors like requiring a certain baseline cutoff for all courses, accounting for the effects of bonus points schemes, government funding restrictions and so on. @ohexploitable: ANU > * :p (yes, yes...
  19. ajdlinux

    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    It depends on how good their class is. If you come 4th in the Chem class at James Ruse, it's much better than coming 1st in the Chem class at my school. The moderation process accounts for this by placing your assessment marks between the top and bottom exam marks achieved by your class...
  20. ajdlinux

    Master of Mathematical Science

    I don't think we can give you very much advice given that you're talking postgraduate. You could talk to the people in the Maths Society - it's undergraduate but they probably know who to ask about postgrad matters.