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  1. RedDeadMaddie

    Advanced English right now is the biggest load of shit.

    I thought teachers weren't allowed to teach the belonging subject until Year 12?
  2. RedDeadMaddie

    Year 10 school certificate results 2011

    English - 90 Mathematics - 86 Science - 84 Geography - 91 History - 91 Computing Skills - 96 2nd/3rdish best marks of my school year (: (in rural NSW)
  3. RedDeadMaddie

    What subjects is everyone doing for year 11 2012

    Advanced English Advanced Math Geography Legal Studies Software Design & Development Tourism & Events, or Drama if the timetable works out badly :(
  4. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    Aye, my teacher was like 'try to write something with emotion rather than the cliche beach party or road trip' but I'm pretty sure all the depressing stuff is super cliche now (mine was about a girl looking at a photo of her mum taken a year-ish before she died, then remembering the last time...
  5. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    Easily just lost about 10 marks (and some in science too)
  6. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    I don't understand, that's not 90 degrees?
  7. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: English–literacy

    What was the answer to the question about the peoples faces on the train in the visual? I put that they were worried the girl was going to fall.. They didn't look that annoyed that the train was squished and I forget the other options.
  8. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    (sorry for double post) (following the format of a previous poster) History Section 2 Entertainment effects- I wrote about TV and how it made cinemas less popular and radio lost its audience etc. Australia's involvement with the U.N.- Never learnt that.. Pretty much repeated the same 'Australia...
  9. RedDeadMaddie

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    No way! Gotten the top marks out of the year for every assignment we've done and I was adding as much info as I could until they said pens down! Geography is my love <3 But I think I'm the only person at my school that feels that way.