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  1. T

    Share your 2012 ATAR here

    75.05! WOOO! Yes it could of been better but for what I need to do it's fine!
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    Share your 2012 HSC results here

    My ATAR needed is 74.44 do you think I could get that if the ATAR calculation is based off last year's results?
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    Share your 2012 HSC results here

    Heres what I got: Left is my HSC mark and right is my band. I am happy with what I got but a bit disappointed with English Business Studies 81/5 English Std 79/4 Geo 76/4 Legal 81/5 SOR 1 39/4 IT TVET 86/5 School rank top 200 Also ATAR estimate please :)
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    Best way to recieve marks?

    I know this is a bit off topic but, when do they release markers notes and sample answers etc? Thanks.
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    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    Koney should be fine. To be honest I think the markers were kind of wanting for people to do KONY lol.
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    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    MC was also Very good! Loved the entire exam apart from the stupid charter of rights question...
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    Ready for Information Technology?

    I used a bit of knowledge from business studies to answer this one, I put C (External) as they are not out sourcing a business function and that the person is not working internally in the business. 14 = D. As the usage of the CPU is so high, it would not perform so well.
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    Ready for Information Technology?

    For each extended response I was able to write a booklet for each. The first question however I wrote 2. I think the IT exam should be at least 2.5 hours, as only 2 hours is nothing.
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    Quick help!!!

    Talk a about credit card fraud etc. It depends what they ask. Remember they gives us a option if 2 questions to answer. So one might be on the issues and one might be on a topic within the option.
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    Help ! options essays study

    You can implement old acts and talk about new ones, as it is a good way to evaluate the roll of law reform and its effectiveness.
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    Help ! options essays study

    Sorry for the late reply. Remember to state the full law first, for example, The Australian Consumer Law 2011 (ACL), then you can use the abbreviation, ACL. Also for the question that was linked, remember it is asking you to refer to your contemporary issue(s) that you have studied. Unit 3 of...
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    Help ! options essays study

    I think so, I just know that the ACL has elements of the CCA.
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    Help ! options essays study

    The Trade Practices Act was replaced by the Competition and Consumer Act (CCA) in 2010. Then in 2011 The ACL replace the Competition and Consumer Act, along with many other laws. From what I remember the ACL still has elements of the CCA.
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    Help ! options essays study

    I suggest you visit the ACL website found below. I have linked you to the FAQ page, however I would recommend having a look at other sections on the page.
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    Help ! options essays study

    ACL = Australian Consumer Law. Introduced last year, it would be a prefect law to talk about, in terms of law reform as it removed discrimination amongst the states and territories, hence it's a national law the removes most previous trade laws, like the NSW Trade Practices Act. I think law...
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    Help ! options essays study

    There is not much assessable content that they could use for a extended response. Plus in the CSSA 2012 (Catholic Trial HSC paper) they asked this question as the extended response. As a side note I would like consumers to be on the ACL however as I said, the question they ask must fit all of...
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    Help ! options essays study

    For each option I am pretty sure you will be asked on at least one of the 'Contemporary issues', in the consumers topic for example the following issues are: • credit • product certification • marketing innovations • technology. So I'm guessing that you would have to respond to a question...
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    Do internal assessments count towards our ATAR?

    Dam I got 89 in the trials.
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    Predictions for HSC Exam IT (TVET) 2012

    Share your predictions on what this years IT exam for 2012 could include in terms of content and possible questions!! Good Luck everyone!
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    Do internal assessments count towards our ATAR?

    This might be a stupid question, but the trial paper that we do for IT does that count as our internal mark for IT? As I do IT at TAFE. Or does the HSC IT Exam count for both our internal and external mark?