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  1. T

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    yeah, exactly my story shows the ways relationship cotnribute a sense of belonging it just celebrates the way relationships contributed a bad sense of belonging. no where in there did they say they wanted sunshine. thanks for the reply piratefishy
  2. T

    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    does celebrate mean it has to show postive aspects of belonging in a relationship????? cause i showed the antihisis.</SPAN> Can somebody please answer this!?!??!!?! I am freaking out. Mine was about a married couple, and the belonging in the relationship was that she became an object, a...
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    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    does celebrate mean it has to show postive aspects of belonging in a relationship????? cause i showed the antihisis.
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    Section 2 - Creative Writing

    What do you guys think about celebrates the way relationships provide belonging? My stories is about a married couple so it showed that, but the wife didnt want to belong to him, a man. So it was negative aspects of belonging in a relationship. Does celebrate neccesarily mean you have to show...
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    How many people in the state do Ext 1 English?

    And does anyone know the split between topics, like After the Bomb specifically?
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    Can a belonging essay focus one just one aspect of belonging?

    Like migration for example?
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    Scriptwriting.... Length

    The script its self is 25 pages but I have 7 pages of title page, charachter list, setting, bibliography, and a page that says act 1 so in all its 32. is this appropriate?
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    Any stories of people being caught for submitting work for different subjects?

    As in doing a video for art and a video for ext 2 for example and then caught? If so, did they get punished? Or is it pretty easy to do? Not doing this obviously, just curious.
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    General question, ranks

    oh sorry, i should have mentioned the subject lol eng ext 2? i preusme im ok then if i want an atar of 98 + with such a rank and a strong mw? thanks for your help...all except revelation
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    General question, ranks

    Ah k, thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it. So I think my school is ranked somewhere around 50th, would such a rank of 4th be good?
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    General question, ranks

    What's considered a strong rank, whats considered a weak rank kind of thing? Im just confused. So say out of 15 is 4th/15 considered good? Or 8/15? Is there a general rute that dictates good and bad ranks?
  12. T

    Help! ASAP! Please-Script!

    Can someone please tell me how I a meant to format my script? The last marking category talks about scriptwriting conventions. What do I need specifically? Thankyou forever and ever</SPAN> Ive posted this twice out of desperation!
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    Scriptwriting Help ASAP!

    Can someone please tell me how I a meant to format my script? The last marking category talks about scriptwriting conventions. What do I need specifically? Thankyou forever and ever
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    2010 History Extension Project Supervision

    hey; would i possibley be able to take up your offer for online hist ext tutoring? im struggeling. what elective did you do?
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    Question on Significant Person Impacting Religious Tradition- Please Help!

    In religion, where doing Christianity at the moment, ultimatley preparing for the question; "How did..... (in our case its Pope John XXIII) impact the development/expresison of Christianity Despite how straight forward this seems, Im really getting mixed messages in approaching this question...
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    Bad GP Group Question

    thanks heaps for that advice and pell, i didnt tell her that, thats what she told us. good contribution, keep it up
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    Bad GP Group Question

    Hey, Unfouratnetly, we got given our drama gp groups a couple of weeks back (really didnt have a say in them). In a group of 4, there was myself and two others who i wanted to be with- solid and experiecned actors- but aslo a 4th person. She is, if you will (in the nicest terms possible) a...
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    Is it Acceptable to do a Major Work on Accessing the Historical Accuracy of a Film?

    Re: Is it Acceptable to do a Major Work on Accessing the Historical Accuracy of a Fil PwarYuex, I understand what your saying and I've completed a draft, however I'm not sure if it engages with what your talking about. Would you be able to give it a quick skim possibley? Thanks
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    Re: TSFX Head Start Program what did people think of modern? i was kind of unsure about it, and still am know