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  1. HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    If the integration was correct and you correctly found an expression for the volume, I can't see why they would take off more than 1 mark
  2. HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    Looking at discussion groups with people who better represent the average student, it seems a lot of people did.
  3. HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    I think I got 10/15. In my opinion, 14a was quite disappointing - they have done questions like that before and it honestly seemed a bit lazy. 14b, however, was a nice one, even though it was probably easier (unless you don't do 4U or haven't practiced those questions)
  4. HSC Extension 1 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    What would a 65/70 align to?
  5. HSC Biology Predictions / Thoughts

    The cutoff last year was 95 (aligned exam mark)
  6. Does the HSC tend to be much harder than trials?

    I would say James Ruse had the hardest one, but most of the top schools have decent papers with questions that are fresh and not taken from a commercial paper
  7. HSC Extension 2 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    He was a long-time BoS user, but I don't think he's active anymore
  8. Does the HSC tend to be much harder than trials?

    I think the CSSA extension 1 paper is quite easy compared to some other schools' papers, so it would be safe to assume that the HSC will be harder. Don't forget that your HSC marks aren't your raw marks-- so if you think you aren't doing as well as you did in your trials, your final HSC marks...
  9. HSC Extension 2 Mathematics Predictions / Thoughts

    What do you guys think an 87 would align to? I have determined that I have lost 11 marks and am accounting for 2 silly errors in addition
  10. Hardest Maths Advanced Paper (2008-2019)

    From the data on rawmarks. info, it seems that 2013 was the hardest (lowest B6 cutoff) followed by 2010. A B6 cutoff in the 70s for advanced is remarkably low

    Buzman, surely you have academic commitments elsewhere which you should be fulfilling. If I'm honest, the 2019 exam (advanced at least) was a joke of a paper- unseen texts were straightforward and absolutely brimming with techniques common mod question was about a highly versatile theme that...
  12. HSC Advanced English Paper 2 Thoughts

    I've read a lot of people's 'reviews' of the Module B question (Eliot) and they are all saying that they wrote about poems X and Y. I had analysis from all five of them and wrote more thematic paragraphs, like paralysis, decay etc. My teacher would always talk about 'Eliot's suite of poetry' and...
  13. How would you answer this essay question?

    This is pretty much the Module A equivalent of today’s common module question
  14. Length for Module C??

    I wrote a little over a page (probably around 400 words with my handwriting and the size of the pages we had) and I got 9/10. Especially for mod c, it is important to make considered choices with writing- if you write 1000 words of garbage you will get a poor mark. Inb4 Buzman's Trump-esque reply
  15. Pedigree Charts

    In all honesty, I wasn't very good at bio. I found it tough to memorise all of the content as I didn't enjoy most of mod 5 and 6. From what I have learned in other sciences, however, the long responses need time. Spending just a few minutes planning a response for a 7-9 mark question is...
  16. Pedigree Charts

    Although there are ways of narrowing down the possibilities, the only definitive way of solving a pedigree (that is not too arduous) is to do trial and error to see which possibilities make sense. I doubt there will be a pedigree in which you can't tell if it's autosomal or sex-linked. Is there...
  17. Can you see what is wrong with this question?

    Do you think it would be necessary, in an exam, to verify that f(x) is a pdf or do you just assume that it is?
  18. English Advance

    Paper 1 has 90 minutes of writing time and 10 minutes of reading time
  19. ATAR 99.90, Modern history (98) essays for sale

    I think he's legit. Wai Man Raymond Chan from NBHS got 6 band 6's in 2012 (evidencing the 99.90) but he might be exaggerating the modern history mark- in his older posts he said he got 96.