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  1. D

    Science Game

    I'm not sure if this has been asked or w/e, but can someone explain Darwin's theory of Natural Selection?
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    Australian History and Geography tested together?

    You really like saying that, don't you? :p
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    Tips for getting full marks in extended response & short answer q's in Geo & Hist

    Well obviously, but you should actually relate your answer to the question and not regurgitate everything you memorised back onto the page.
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    Australian History and Geography tested together?

    It depends. Like for me, homework usually consists of work I didn't finish in class. And on the rare occasion, an extra worksheet or two. So longer periods are better for me.
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    Tips for getting full marks in extended response & short answer q's in Geo & Hist

    Use the words used in the questions in your answer. Or as my History teacher likes to say "spoon feed the marker". :)
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    Australian History and Geography tested together?

    I actually prefer longer periods. Coz that means we have less homework. :D
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    Anyone finding it hard to study for SC?

    I am. But I don't really care anyway. Imma save all my stressing for HSC.
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    Maths Game

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    The Computer skills test

    meh. The computer skills test is oh so boring. Do we have to stay there the whole hour and a half or can we leave early?
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    After Exams

    Same. =S
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    ONE day!

    LOL @ this thread. =D
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    Computer Skill Joke Test

    Thursday. (:
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    Maths Game

    True. But there are exceptions to every rule. :rolleyes:
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    After Exams

    Party? No. I think my friends and I might go out for lunch after the ICT exam though.
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    Maths Game

    Math and fun should not be used in the same sentence. =D
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    English SC - what to study?

    You think? I always thought twilight used simple words. Which is why it attracts alot of tweens and younger girls.
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    Even though it isn't going to affect me in the future I still want to do well in it. =D
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    Distance HSC courses?

    Yea it is possible. My friend is doing biology via distance ed next year.
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    twilight series

    ^ I <3 your sig. =D
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    I haven't studied either, i'm gonna study on the weekend though. And no you're not screwed. Just do one or two past papers for each subject and that should be enough. =D