I am currently reading the syllabus and then making sure my notes cover everything required :-/ and I also scribble notes all over sheets and stuff hah
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aw I just started yesterday cause I didn't want to be bombarded with exams and have to create notes before actually studying :-/
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I believe using a song is fine and all my teachers say it's fine aswell. English is all about evidence and analyses so as long as you have evidence and can state why you have chosen those lyrics I don't think it will be an issue.
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Is there a way to get a notification when someone has replied to a forum rather then having to check? or a way to get a notification if they reply to you? I know you get a notification if they like your post but yeah :/ haha sorry :/
its heaps good. Like yeah you have the occasional kid that doesn't care about their future and therefore doesn't really do work but i use to go to a private school and you had the occasional kid that didn't care about their future there swell. Honestly i can't tell the difference except a...