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  1. T

    would it be wierd if...

    I wouldn't find it weird. But then again I am a huge nerd.
  2. T

    Enrolling in easy subjects on purpose

    Yes. I would definately say something. If it's screwing up your marks, then it must be done. They are the one in the wrong. But I would make sure I have some sort of proof first, in case they deny it and then you look like a dumbass.
  3. T

    Easy electives for 1st semester. Any recommendations???

    Read the subject reviews, it's pretty long but they usually mention the difficulty of the subject. From what i've read Academic Writing is really boring but has easy marks and it's done over the computer so if your lazy you don't even need to leave the house. I wouldn't do it though. In case you...
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    BOS USYD Roll Call 2010

    Bachelor of Arts (I)
  5. T

    Subject Selections 2010

    Sem 1 ASNS 1601 Introduction to Asian Cultures. HSTY1076 American History Lincoln to Clinton. PSYC1001 Psychology 1 SCLG1001 Sociology 1 Sem 2 ENGL1012 Fiction, film and power. PHIL1012 Introducing Logic SCLG1002 Sociology 2 WORK1003 Foundations of work and employment. Pretty...