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  1. B

    MATH1131 vs MATH1011

    I found it quite hard as it assumes a lot of things from 2U which I never did, which assumes a lot more things from other stuff I never did, etc etc. I think if you have 2U knowledge you wouldn't find the bridging course very difficult at all. You will be fine with a little study. (Discrete...
  2. B

    MATH1131 vs MATH1011

    I'll go straight into Math 1A, yeah. I did the EXT1 bridging course and didn't do amazingly, but there's still a few weeks of study to work on that stuff. If it doesn't work I'll just move to 1011 before the census date.
  3. B

    MATH1131 vs MATH1011

    I can send you the tutorial questions and syllabus PDF thing for 1131, so you can look at the revision chapter and see what you're missing if you like. Just PM me your email. I need to go over a lot of it myself. Remember that there is a revision quiz early on, and from there you still have...
  4. B

    Request to waive prerequisites

    Grats on the 1917 credit. I wasn't so lucky, so I'll do both 1917 and 1927 in semester 1. Sucks that I won't be able to do Distributed Systems since I can't get the prerequisites done in time. That is, unless I also do Operating Systems this sem, and that's probably a bad idea.
  5. B

    Request to waive prerequisites

    Did you get this sorted lzlzlz? I heard it was done with a simple email. Did you have to print that form and get it signed by a course authority and student office?
  6. B

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. The gen ed I sort of want completely ruins my 3 day timetable fk
  7. B

    Are there any buses from town hall to unsw

    I might just use a different way for the first few weeks and see how it goes, in that case.
  8. B

    Are there any buses from town hall to unsw

    In the morning? I don't believe you.
  9. B

    Are there any buses from town hall to unsw

    Why, is Eddy Av not busy in sem 2? Sounds like it would be.
  10. B

    Are there any buses from town hall to unsw

    Sounds infinitely better than Eddy Avenue, time to crowd it up a little more
  11. B

    Are there any buses from town hall to unsw

    How busy is it compared to Eddy Av?
  12. B

    Post Your 2015 Sem 1 Timetable

    I'll be honest, I assume that each and every one of you are obese.
  13. B

    Post Your 2015 Sem 1 Timetable

    Your tutorials are for completely different kinds of math, aren't they? I assume you would have tests in both tutorials.
  14. B

    Clubs that I can join!? :)

    Just ask any random Indian guy. He will know.
  15. B

    UNSW Chit Chat Thread

    Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015. This is your life now. Good luck in your new field.
  16. B

    electives question..

    Huh. Well, one page has incorrect info...
  17. B

    Request to waive prerequisites

    Interested as I will probably do the same.
  18. B

    electives question..

    Maybe language, in that case.
  19. B

    electives question..

    Isn't it like, as a Comp Sci major you can't take a COMP course for a gen ed?
  20. B

    Post Your 2015 Sem 1 Timetable

    Better than not getting credit and starting with year 1 units as I expect to do.