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  1. Live Laugh Love

    Official dust storm thread

    Re: Holy mother of dust storms Pretty sure I'm over hearing about this.
  2. Live Laugh Love

    graduation, how do u feel?

  3. Live Laugh Love

    Drop Ancient or Chemistry?

    Keep both, and decide later on.
  4. Live Laugh Love

    Heh, it's ok :)

    Heh, it's ok :)
  5. Live Laugh Love

    Regret subject choice?

    YES! Definitely. My Prelim was; Bio, Chem, Physics, PDHPE, Ext 1 Maths, Standard English and SOR1. What I should have done; Bio, Chem, EES, Food Tech, Ext 1 Maths (or just Mathematics), Standard English, and SOR1. Damn my school for having Food Tech and Ext on the same line >.<
  6. Live Laugh Love

    stupid UAC apllication thing

    Your UAC Number is your Board of Studies number with a 1 in front of it, having 9 digits in total.
  7. Live Laugh Love

    What is the subject that you got the lowest mark in?

    Although I haven't got it all back yet, I'm pretty sure it's English.
  8. Live Laugh Love

    BoS or Facebook

  9. Live Laugh Love

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    Lol today in chem we were talking about the Titanic... Teacher; "Yes, the unsinkable ship.." Student; "well they were obviously lying!" :haha:
  10. Live Laugh Love

    University Open days, anyone?

    I went to UNCLE :D It was heaps good :) they had free stuff too but not as much as what people are saying on here lol. I went to UTS too, but it was at like 1-2ish so it wasn't so good I thought :( [& meh to USYD and UWS :p]
  11. Live Laugh Love

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    Less than 50.. Epic EPIC Fail. Yerrrrrrp. I'm definitely in, ha.
  12. Live Laugh Love

    CSSA Chemistry Trials

    Got results back today... :(
  13. Live Laugh Love

    Rules for Customers

    +1. Also, if you have given your kid something to eat, and he drops it on the ground, either pick the disgusting, saliva-soaked thing up or at least TELL SOMEONE so we can pick it up ourselves and clean the floor so we don't get sued! :angry:
  14. Live Laugh Love

    Wondering about Engerneering maths

    Lol, a girlfriend or practical work experience won't get you a place in Electrical Engineering course, nor will having those make you automatically 'win'/succeed in life.
  15. Live Laugh Love

    CSSA Maths 2U Paper

    :| At my school we are lucky if we get them back within 3 weeks...
  16. Live Laugh Love

    2009 cssa biology

    Yeah. Except we didn't do the CSSA option paper because we haven't finished it all yet.. But I still finished pretty early.
  17. Live Laugh Love

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    Oh, and when you look at the ingredients on things and try find the ester OR when it says 'fragrance' you wonder which ester it is :p
  18. Live Laugh Love

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    "You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when..." - you read this thread and laugh or smile - you are posting in this thread - you get lame science jokes.. and smile - you argue with those people who don't do chem about stuff you have learnt (eg about the ozone layer) - you stick a periodic...