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  1. Q

    methods of achieving world order?

    you are beyond lucky to do world order, i wish we had done it. i was going to teach it to myself but my teacher didn't have any resources on it, only the textbook, and she had never taught the option. studying family and consumer now, it is safe to say i am adequately bored haha
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    Economics game

    no problem :) i've finally worked cad out, it was my least favourite topic all year. to your question: although there has been a huge shift towards free trade with the effect of globalisation, protectinist policies still remain, however their greatest impacts are evident in the profits of a...
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    Economics game

    also, the ausralian dollar value of our overseas debts would decrease if the debts are in foreign currency terms (and thereforce the cad would decrease), although there has been a movement towards loans in australian dollar ammounts.
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    Multiple choice marking???

    ah, unfortunate. will have to be sure before i put it down then
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    Multiple choice marking???

    this is a worry, i change my answers quite a bit, usually crossing one out, picking another, crossing it out, then drawing an arrow to the first one saying correct haha.. its what our school tells us to do in our exams... do multiple choice sheets have to be written in pen?
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    Module B - After The Bomb

    sure :) just pm me sometime i think i'm one of the few who liked the spy... it was a really good book, bleak, but interesting. i enjoyed it haha we did godot, catch and spy... godot just annoyed me, i wasn't a fan i read hiroshima for an assignment, it was actually good, i would've liked to do it
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    Bored of Studies

    i agree with you completely. i don't mind studying eco, its interesting and i like it, but legal is just... :@ and i would like to hurt my text book, possibly one of the most annoying textbooks written ever
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    Belonging - 2 supp texts okay!

    maths is everywhere. maths is the date of your birth, the age you are, how much that shirt you're wearing costs, its the reason the bridge you drive over to school can stay up, its why your roof doesn't collapse on you, its the thing you need to know to be on time for exams. yes, english is very...
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    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    hahaha best idea i'm the opposite, i keep it in degrees, and if the question says for example pi/4 i would just put in 45.. i'd only change it if it was a question involving radians where it would be quicker to have it in radian mode then convert haha
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    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    yessss! or you leave your calculator in radians when doing a degrees question and getting something very, very wrong - or vice versa. i have to be so careful in tests to always switch it back, although sometimes i forget until i spend 3 minutes working out why it is not at all working haha
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    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    haha i was that confused, then again, i hadn't been listening in order cotton onto the fact we were discussing radians. i make stupid blonde mistakes all the time, but that was probably the worst haha
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    Nerdy and blonde mistakes?

    mx1: my teacher was talking about radians. he had written 1 degree on the board, with the degree symbol. i stared at it for a few seconds and then asked by he had written one to the power of zero. i probably should've stared it at for a few seconds longer..
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    hardworking Vs. intelligence

    our dux isn't determined until the atar is released, and it goes off that. but i do have much more respect for the hard workers than those with natural abilities. there are people who you see working so hard, and i really think theirs is the biggest achievement. i envy their ability to study so...
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    Writing student number on every page??

    so do ours. we get told we don't need to write any of our numbers on in the exam time, we can do it at the end so we don't waste the time. and we have to write them on every page we have written on. i wouldn't stress if you didn't, theyre unlikely to fall apart. it seems like we actually have...
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    Module B - After The Bomb

    so did i, but i used catch-22 and the spy :) the creative was good, i just took it in parts, ignored that it mentioned a train, but i think it worked pretty well
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    General Thoughts: English Extension 1

    i was really happy with it :) 11 and a bit pages for both we did after the bomb.. i actually found it to be very interesting, although i was never a fan of absurdism, so i didn't like two of our prescribed texts haha.. loved the spy though
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    What marks do you think you got?

    except it isn't... bos' demographic seems to be mostly the high achievers the e4 cut off will probably be mid to high 50s, which is still unfortunate for me anyway haha
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    HSC - massive anticlimax?

    haha i'm glad to know i'm not the only one! for trials, i had maths extension and english extension on the same day, so the only preperation i did was gathered some quotes the night before, and it turned out fine, so i'm hoping to do it again tomorrow haha... i think there are a couple i need to...
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    HSC - massive anticlimax?

    i'm glad i'm not the only one haha.. finding motivation to study is so hard. i usually get a burst of it which runs out after an hour, and i'm back in 'meh' mode. like now. when i have extension english tomorrow. brillianttt
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    How much Study for Eco?

    I have legal too. So after extension english tomorrow im cramming for them both. I think it'll end up alright. Legal before eco like that is a tad annoying, but only a week to go!