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  1. melsc

    Torts exam Query

    I'm not sure about your exam structure, but when I did Torts in 2006 we were tested on both the common law and CLA but in the question they specified which they wanted us to use. I.e. 'Advise x of his rights at common law', maybe you could post your questions on your uni's WEBCT/Blackboard page...
  2. melsc

    Food that taste better raw than cooked

  3. melsc

    Mi Goreng

    I know heaps of non-asians who eat them including myself
  4. melsc

    My stupid, skinny, no periods day, immature friend.

    Not eating can also really stuff up your metabolism...what ends up happening is if you starve your body for too long it gets used to it so everytime you DO each it stores the food because it wait for you to starve...
  5. melsc

    healthy alcohol

    I don't think it is as bad as soft-drink but you can get diet varieties
  6. melsc

    Choosing combined degree

    300 level Required LAW314 Constitutional Law and Administration I (3) 3 Required LAW315 Constitutional Law and Administration II (3) 3 Required LAW316 Property in Law and Equity I (3) 3 Required LAW317 Property in Law and Equity II (3) 3 Required PSY332 Principles of Psychological...
  7. melsc

    healthy alcohol

    Spirits would be better kj wise if you dont mix them with softdrinks but most people do. I'd say try low-carb beer, vodka lime + soda, gin and tonic
  8. melsc

    Choosing combined degree

    I agree with Hypertrophy *btw how are you going, haven't seen you in a while* its likely to depend on the course. Most flexible degrees like Arts/SocSci allow a lot of room for electives etc I know others doing Bus Law and they don't have any electives but that is because they are doing a...
  9. melsc

    Sex without condoms...

    Yes, most people do not understand that the 'period' is a withdrawal bleed from the lack of hormones in the body over the seven days of taking the sugar pills.Its designed to reassure women that they aren't pregnant and all that...
  10. melsc

    Sex without condoms...

    ^ the main reason people see the pill as the better way is that in terms of proper use of both condoms and the pill the pill has a higher rate of success. Its easier to control remembering to take your pill and checking if meds by your doctor than to try to ensure the condom does not break, tear...
  11. melsc

    Sex without condoms...

    Personally its not a chance I would like to take given that its more likely to fail the younger you are. I think if you want to have sex you should be mature enough to seek out the most effective form of contraception for you. For most thats correct use of a condom (not using one out of date...
  12. melsc

    Sex without condoms...

    When I did sex ed at school they had the stats for all methods and thats what it said. A bit of googling now has shown me it is contested as to how effective it is and some say it is more effective than that but its still a fair bit lower than other forms of contraception...a lot more can go...
  13. melsc

    Sex without condoms...

    Withdrawal method is something like 47% thanx I don't consider it a method of contraception!
  14. melsc

    400/500 Law Electives

    What's it like taking a law elective over summer? I am contemplating it to get some one out of the way! Our elective choices suck :(
  15. melsc

    Law school rankings

    Youth allowance is $112 a week for someone living at home... its not that much... Have you lived off centre link payments? You still have to attend tutes anyway. Besides recorded lectures are good for when people are away when sick, live in remote areas etc...
  16. melsc

    Law school rankings

    This also happens at MQ and UWS...i ahven't had a single law or Arts subject that hasn't had an 80% attendance rule. For what you pay, you should go to doesn't apply to lectures as much as MQ because we have i-lecture for free...apparenlty UWS is getting it too
  17. melsc

    the pill

    I take my pill about 8:30am because I am almost always up then and I just keep it in my handbag if I am out so I can take it. I didn't get that much nausea after the first few days. Otherwise the best thing to do is to time it with somethign you generally at the same time - whether that be going...
  18. melsc

    the pill

    Not necessarily as it usually takes some time for the body to adjust to the pills being back in your system, but usually it will be very light by that stage and within a day or two of taking active pills it should stop. This is why most pill packets have two active pills in the RED section (i.e...
  19. melsc

    Can you wear WHATEVER you want to uni?

    I think it depends on which degree the person prefers. While I enjoy Arts I am there for the Law part more and thus my attire reflects that. That said I am a pink and sparkley person so I probably don't dress like the average law student anyway. BTW Arts/Law is a good combo good luck :)
  20. melsc

    Farewell Co-op Bookshop

    Its a bit silly really, it wont improve service as the main problem with the co-ops on the UWS campuses I was on was they were too small! They could not fit enough books and the courses notes (readers) were in the same shop...really what they need to do is separate the two like they have at mac...