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  1. N

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    Thanks for the tips, namu :shy: I still have time to think about my subjects before they are due, so I'll think about the things you said. Sadly, I cant avoid Studies of REligion since my school's making me do it but I plan to work less on REligion next year and eventually drop it in Year 12...
  2. N

    Being in which grade was the coolest?

    I got bullied in Year 7. Nobody did group work with me. I had to mainly deal with verbal bullying. A group of girls created a friendship book with a section on backstabing people and they wrote all these insults and bad qualities about people they can think of. I was written quite a few times...
  3. N

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    ohh the sad faces....It's because I dislike the subjects I will be doing. English: I've never liked English in my life! I always get really bad marks :mad: Studies of Religion: The school's gonna force me to take it because I need a one unit subject for 12 units. I was thinking of taking...
  4. N

    Being in which grade was the coolest?

    year 7: so hard to fit into friendship groups, and we had to do home eco and industrial arts year 8: academic achievements occurred in this year. Finally found some friends! And had the best teachers ever, not much homework, fun, fun, fun, excursions!! year 9: okay, but school got boring year...
  5. N

    hey year teners, what uai are you aiming for?

    I never said that I am unwilling to receive advice. I just said that anyone who has some advice is free to share it, and we shouldnt be judging the quality of the info someone gives based on their year level. Everyone is simply doing their best by contributing. :D Thinking about my uai...
  6. N

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    two weeks prior instead of day before
  7. N

    Weight Of Your School Bag.

    everyone's gonna be hunchback
  8. N

    Being in which grade was the coolest?

    Year 8 was the best
  9. N

    Crap at maths?

  10. N

    Post your Work Experience Places

    ohh I see. So I gues it would be best to take work experience then. I think I'll do it in the last week of school, because nobody goes to school and all we do is clean. :uhhuh: Whats a cadetship?
  11. N

    exam room

    wow uni sounds so big
  12. N

    did anyone not make notes for ancient and do fine?

    yeh, practice questions from textbook, and memorise all the answers
  13. N


    + 1 to above post.
  14. N

    What do your teachers think of us???

    teachers all hate this website. but its funny that some teachers have accounts on this site
  15. N

    Private school (Malek Fahd Islamic School) sends strugglers to TAFE

    yeh. Its not right. How stupid of them. That is very selfish of them
  16. N

    Dream Careers

    Iol, I like animals - I think they are much nicer than humans. Animals can be great companions when you feel lonely. I tend to like careers in the banking or medical/health related fields. I've thought of being a doctor before, but I think it would be really hard, so vet would be better. I...
  17. N

    Single sex schools vs coed

    guys in single sex schools seem to work. sure, girls can get bitchy in single sex, but guys cant.