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  1. Kangaaroo

    Tariff Question

  2. Kangaaroo

    Tariff Question

    My answer was C, but the correct answer is D. Can anyone help out? (from 2011 HSC).
  3. Kangaaroo

    Why must a CAD equal a KAFA surplus?

    Right, but wouldn't the increase in NPY outflows be much less than the corresponding increase in FDI inflows? Like, if a company borrows 1 million dollars from overseas and pays a 5% interest rate per annum on that loan, then the inflow on the KAFA is 1 million but the outflow(s) on the NPY are...
  4. Kangaaroo

    Why must a CAD equal a KAFA surplus?

    See I get this basic concept, but it doesn't make sense to me when I think about it. If the CAD increases because there's a larger outflow of debt servicing, for example, why does that automatically result in a proportional increase in foreign investment. I'm struggling to see the cause and effect.
  5. Kangaaroo

    Why must a CAD equal a KAFA surplus?

    In the context of the HSC though, how would I articulate this? The example you gave makes sense but seems like it's outside the scope of the syllabus.
  6. Kangaaroo

    Why must a CAD equal a KAFA surplus?

    For example, say an economy's CAD increases because of a worsening in the BOGS. From what I know, this must be balanced out by an increase in the KAFA surplus. But I don't understand how this happens - why would a deteriorating in the BOGS automatically lead to increased financial inflows?
  7. Kangaaroo


    A ligand is a molecule or ion that forms dipole bonds to metal atoms. In the Chemistry syllabus you only need to understand how water functions as a ligand. Certain ionic substances (such as copper sulphate) can exist in a hydrated form. This happens when the ionic substance is mixed with...
  8. Kangaaroo

    Comm law?

    The cutoff at Sydney is 99.5. For UNSW it's 96.00 but you need to pass the LAT (Law Admissions Test) to get in. Alternatively, UTS offers a bachelor of business/bachelor of law degree with cutoff 96.10, and you don't need to pass an admissions test to get in. I'm sure there are other smaller...
  9. Kangaaroo

    I want to drop prelim Jap Continuers

    Hi, I'm in year 12 and I do Jap continuers. Personally, I think doing a language is a really important and useful skill that'll also help differentiate you from others. Japanese does become quite difficult in the senior years, but what's cooler than being able to read and speak in another...
  10. Kangaaroo

    English has been Ridiculed

    Although I actually enjoy English, I may as well add in my 2 cents: I received a 17/20 for an English assessment task last term, but noticed that the written feedback I received was overwhelmingly positive and not really consistent with this result. So I appealed for a reconsideration of my mark...
  11. Kangaaroo

    Highest Aggregate HSC Scores

    100 in Economics?? Do you mind if I ask what your internal marks were?
  12. Kangaaroo

    Labour market essay

    Got assigned a labour market essay to do over the summer holidays. Question: "Explain how labour market policies can be used to achieve Australia's economic objectives". A little unsure how I can relate labour market policies and decentralisation to Australia's macroeconomic objectives. Any...
  13. Kangaaroo

    Anyone know where to find the 2019 modern history sources?

    There could be some out there I guess
  14. Kangaaroo

    Anyone know where to find the 2019 modern history sources?

    If NESA can't display them due to copyright then I doubt you'll be able to get access to them unless someone who sat the exam can remember what they were.
  15. Kangaaroo


    You guys are honestly a blessing for doing this, thank you so much.
  16. Kangaaroo

    HSC Study

    The syllabus contains all the content and skills you need to know in the course. They're useful for making notes because you can easily consolidate the content you need to know, but I find with maths it's generally more useful to keep an updated summary book on all the units covered in your...
  17. Kangaaroo

    Should I take standard maths instead of advance maths?

    Advanced maths can be harder than people think - I've actually done better overall in extension 1 than in advanced. I'd say standard would be a better option for you.
  18. Kangaaroo

    What is everyone's Shakespeare this year?

    7 - The Tempest 8 - Merchant of Venice 9 - Romeo and Juliet 10 - Macbeth 11 - Othello 12 - Merchant of Venice (again...)
  19. Kangaaroo

    Chemistry New Syllabus Advice / Sample Answers by an Experienced HSC Tutor

    But I mean in terms of bond energy, Hess's Law, etc. Are these not relevant in year 12?
  20. Kangaaroo

    Chemistry New Syllabus Advice / Sample Answers by an Experienced HSC Tutor

    The syllabus itself doesn't really define enthalpy. According to my textbook though ("Chemistry In Focus"): 'Enthalpy is a measure of the total energy possessed by substance of group of substances'