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  1. Evertonian

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    OK you all guys need to calm down ok. See at least you all go for teams that will consistently win titles and trophies :(
  2. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Sorrrrry, I dont do advanced Engrish. Everyone here either does advanced or extension math and engrish.
  3. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Well he did say he wanted to punch a girl in her ovuries. It will be a while before Midnight Sun comes out on print.
  4. Evertonian

    twilight series

    At least there is still a chance for midnight sun to come out. Now that my prelims are over, I'm gonna read eclipse!
  5. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Well same shit, i liked twilight. Please lets not start this over again.
  6. Evertonian

    twilight series

    hmm i forgot to pay attention to that part, i was just paying attention to the "if your a male and u read twilight ur gay"
  7. Evertonian

    twilight series

    You know you could have said that from before.
  8. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Locul Just get over yourself. Are you proud that you dont like this series? How old are you anyway? From the looks of when you did your HSC, you are pretty old (by old i mean as in 20's) Unless you faked it. However if you are that age then i understand why you dont like the series however...
  9. Evertonian

    twilight series

    You seriously dont quit do you?
  10. Evertonian

    twilight series

    I havent even read eclipse yet. Ive read the first two only.
  11. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Its mainly guys that dont like the series that call other guys who read it gay and girls who dont like the series call guys gay for reading it. A girl i know hates twilight, and she bloody spoiled it for me, the ending of breaking dawn :(
  12. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Yeah ok....
  13. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Oh wow, your such a big man, you managed to rephrase my post in your reply. Only big, macho men like yourself are capable of doing that. Of course, big, macho, non-twilight readers like yourself are capable of doing that. Do you feel better about yourself? You know about your sexuality and...
  14. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Stop trying to conceal your sexuality. I know it feels better to insult others by saying that they are gay by reading twilight, but please don't even bother it's not working and your only making yourself look like a fool.
  15. Evertonian

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    Everton rules. :)
  16. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Fact: If you make assumptions like that, you have insecurities about your sexuality. Im male. I read Twilight. I am not gay.
  17. Evertonian

    Favourite item of clothing

    My Ed Hardy shirt.
  18. Evertonian


    Issey Miyake And Gold - Paco Robanne :)
  19. Evertonian

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    I agree with you :)
  20. Evertonian

    twilight series

    Maybe, Meyer has drummed it in about his description. Topaz eyes, icy breath, sculpured body, tousled hair, crooked smile, velvet voice etc etc >,>