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    1. Where can you buy 4unit textbook by someone called komoroni 2. How do you sketch y=x/((e^X) -1) without lhopital
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    Past papers for term 1 (Complex numbers)?

    Wondering if Carrotsticks can provide Girraween 2009 assessment #1, im particularly interested in testing myself since you said it was a difficult paper!
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    2013 trials

    what about the independent paper release date?
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    2013 trials

    Just wondering if anyone know when the release date for cssa and independent papers for 3/4 unit. Which one tend to be harder?
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    integration query

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    integration query

    Given I_n=\int_{e^-1}^{1} (1+lnx)^n dx = 1-n(I_(n-1)) and J_n=\int_{e^-1}^{1} (lnx)(1+lnx)^n dx for n=0,1,2,3,... show that J_n=1-(n+2)I_n for n=0,1,2,3,... Sorry for my sloppy latex input PS: is there a way to input latex on this forum?
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    Polynomial query

    Carrot can you help?
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    Polynomial query

    If p(x)=x^4+kx^3+x^2+x+1, what values of k will all roots be integers? is it the set k inside Z?
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    PLC/kings trial papers anyone?

    Do you mind sharing some 4u papers?
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    Maths past papers

    hi all, yearlies coming up, im willing to trade 2011/2012 kings past paper with your schools. Pm me!
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    fitzpatrick prelim extension maths

    Can You please pm me the link please!!!
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    Past papers

    Hi all, Im after Sydney grammar, james ruse(not 2011) and baulkam hills yr 9 or 10 half-yearly or yearly papers. I have a bunch of abbotsleigh or pymble ladies to trade if needed. Please PM me. Thank heaps!
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    PLC/kings trial papers anyone?

    Hi all, does anyone have kings or plc 2012 trial?
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    partial fraction help

    Find A(x) and B(x) if 1/(9(cos x)^2 - 4 (sin x)^2) = A(x) / (3 cos x - 2 sin x) +B(x) / (3cos x + 2 sin x)
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    Complex number

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    complex number help

    actually dont worry, got it, just let z=cis(x)
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    complex number help

    Given z^6+z^3+1=[z^2-2zcos(2pi/9)+1][z^2-2zcos(4pi/9)+1][z^2-2zcos(8pi/9)+1], prove that 2cos(3x)+1=8[cos(x)-cos(2pi/9)][cos(x)-cos(4pi/9)][cos(x)-cos(8pi/9)]
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    Trial paper question

    got it!! Cheers!
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    Trial paper question

    The denominator should be g'(a), why is there a 1 adding/subtracting it?
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    Trial paper question

    I am asking for question the question faulty or im missing something, cant seem to understand why there is a 1-g'(a) in the denominator...