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  1. gouge.away

    What are some unsual things your lecturer/tutor/lab demonstrator said?

    lol you're in my friends' class. she the "point with conviction" one too? my lecturers/tutors have been boring so far. development studies shows promise though.
  2. gouge.away

    The Ship has sailed, my friends!

    think about your body language, perhaps? you'd be surprised at how much it makes a difference.
  3. gouge.away

    The Ship has sailed, my friends!

    +1 you kind of have to talk to people in tutes, or just talk in tutes in general. however, it does suck when the people you talk to aren't doing your course or even in your year.
  4. gouge.away


    is it possible to do it at this point? i've looked on the website and it only talks about deferring as you receive an offer and how you can't defer for a semester unless the course starts mid-year. help?
  5. gouge.away

    where did hubris come from

    iirc it's a concept originating from greek tragedy - it's the excessive pride for which a hero is then smitten by the gods. could you contextualise a bit more?
  6. gouge.away

    global political economy

    i was wondering how global political economy [ie "GLST1000] differed to intro to political economy [PECO1000], or if there is any major difference at all. thanks
  7. gouge.away

    1st day of uni... probably wasn't as bad as i made it out to be. i like my french lecturer. sociology + anthropology seemed... well... i don't want to say bullshit just yet. mmm. as a result i tried to stay with my high school friends, but my phone died so i was condemned to walking around campus until...
  8. gouge.away

    1st day of uni...

  9. gouge.away

    Which clubs did you join?

    i couldn't find the amnesty international stall :( apparently so; they were just off the main walkway
  10. gouge.away

    Which clubs did you join?

    unsoc kickboxing debsoc and hockey, if that counts
  11. gouge.away

    Your criteria for sex

    methinks there should be a "don't care just as long as it's voluntary" option.
  12. gouge.away

    What would you tell your parents?

    nothing. it's like the spanish inquisition mark II.
  13. gouge.away

    Legal Studies VS Economics

    +1 sometimes a good teacher can make a lot of difference too. i found that they were rather complementary.
  14. gouge.away

    so how did you rebel?

    staying out late shoplifting being a douche to my parents + all authority figures dressing like a goth/skank smoking/drugs/drinking it got quiet after year 7.
  15. gouge.away

    How to tell/show/hint to a guy you like him.

    generally a sack-whack or two does the trick.
  16. gouge.away

    UNSW Subject Reviews.

    so... no one here does an arts degree?
  17. gouge.away

    build your own pc

    1. budget would be around <$2000, but a friend of mine [i'll call him C for future reference] built his for around $800 2. pretty shit; judging by how much i didn't initially understand when reading the replies, probably around 3/10. i'm reading up on everything before i get the money out...
  18. gouge.away

    build your own pc

    in short: a) need a new computer for uni; preferably a desktop b) heard that building your own is much cheaper and better in terms of tailoring to personal use help a noob out? eta - i'm not a massive pc gamer, but i have a lot of music + photos
  19. gouge.away

    thanks for the rep lol :)

    thanks for the rep lol :)
  20. gouge.away

    Motivational stories for HSC 2010

    we were told by the english department that we all sucked ass [my paraphrasing, of course] and that we were the worst cohort that they had ever taught. we ended up coming 10th in the state for advanced english and boosted our school rank from 270s to 140s. it even said in the wenworth courier...