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  1. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do?

    its not something peopel do to be seen as good doers i get self satisfaction i feel great afte rhelping out i dont even tell people when i give to charity whats the point..your not doing it to look good your doing it from the kindness of your heart to help a brother in need
  2. soha

    Pastors reject apology order over Koran comments

    there were spreading bullshit about the Qua'ran and its contents and meaning.. its an evil book that teaches violence and terrorism..its the devils book etc.. that is a load of shit ..its not ok to spread that kind of stuff about different religons etc its a very sensative topic...
  3. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do?

    um..u are saying you have to be rich to give to charity? so you cant even spare $20 here and there? im sure you can spare heaps of money maybe not after you spend it on all the luxurys in life c.ds mp3s..phones playstations and computer..internet..latest clothes..latest shoes..latest...
  4. soha

    Interracial relationships

    its funny because peoples bahaviour isnt always related to where they come from its like we're all human so if he was chinese, indian australian, lebaneseetc.. he could have been a jerk in that sense no matter where he was from.. u know.. btu yeah i hate b/f's that are stricter then your...
  5. soha

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    well with marriage you can have sex and get divorced and have sex in 10 different marriages throughout your life what if the person you wnat to marry has been married and had sex before would people hold it against them? i wouldnt..i dont care so much but a virgin would be
  6. soha

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    i dont feel special i might feel pure...u know untouched etc i dont really feel anything that different..but then again i dont know how it feels to have had sex i only know of my friends experiences and they have all been bad and regretful
  7. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do? the money you a charity organisation so they can feed hungry children help people in need help victims of war and natural diasters(aka tsunami) help the homeless..etc stupid? if thats how u see it you're disgusting and selfish
  8. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do?

    no that was back in the days when money wasnt around they used to trade stuff..but of equal value
  9. soha

    Saddam Insights

    lol ...........
  10. soha

    Non-smokers: Would you date a smoker?

    if smoking keeps guys away then good
  11. soha

    What is so good about being a virgin?

    im a virgin and will remain so until marriage i feel fine as a virgin im a virgin because i dont believe in sex before marriage froma religious perspective and just in general even when i wasnt religious and didnt give a shit i would still think to myself i will never have sex b4 marriage...
  12. soha

    Pastors reject apology order over Koran comments
  13. soha

    Saddam Insights

    yeah but thats his fate to live and tell the story of his love for doritos and his hate for fruit loops
  14. soha

    R All Males Sleazes??

    ok moast guys i know and associate with..are pretty decent none of this sleazy sex bastards stuff
  15. soha

    R All Males Sleazes??

    you probably havent met decent guys yet there is some out there
  16. soha

    How many people have you slept with?

    thats good to hear
  17. soha

    When being a virgin bothers you.

    well i guess so....but i never come across any even religious guys... oh wellz... i guess its not such a big deal..i dont really care..but if im expected to be a virgin..then i expect a virgin too plus if its a life partner..then id like to be the first and only
  18. soha

    When being a virgin bothers you.

    well im a virgin and i shall remain one till marriage and i would like to marry a virgin but i dont think thats gonna happen
  19. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do?

    it doenst specifically say 2.5% but there is 4 schools of thought and my school of thought goes by 2.5% and it speaks about the schools of thought(mathhabs) and it speaks about the extremely low percentage of interest just coz it doenst specifically say 2.5% yes give your money to those who...
  20. soha

    Inherited $5000, wat do do? this is a good site in refernece to interest/ursury/riba in islam read the whole thing in order to understand it properly