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  1. chewy123

    how to enrol in courses??

    I BEG FOR HELP: doing comm/law Do I just copy this table?? UNSW Handbook Plan - Law - LAWSA14733
  2. chewy123

    how to enrol in courses??

    I got to here...UNSW Handbook Program - Law - 4790
  3. chewy123

    how to enrol in courses??

    Serious help!!!!! I've been overseas and just back 2 days ago, the enrolment shit is driving me crazy><>< IS there some sort of list where I can find what core subjects i need to enrol for in semester one 1st yr law/comm??? and the list for electives???
  4. chewy123

    HSC & IQ

    I tried, then in the end they asked for my mobile no. so ehh.... I got the tickle one though, but I think they deliberately inflate it to make you buy report.