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  1. IceOnFire


    :rolleyes: If Maths is dead, there WILL be no SoulSearcher.. :(
  2. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    Where good luck on you both for your exams tomorrow.. :) Aww your angel..:D How long have you two been together? Your name is Vora right?
  3. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    Lolz you are back too?? Haha don't both of you got exams?? Anyways KFC.. hmmmm I make the best potato and gravy..:D And seriously, they do deliver their chicken fresh everyday. ;)
  4. IceOnFire

    HOW to study maths?

    Nice advice.. :) Yes the past papers..
  5. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    I am already getting free stuff.. :D Yupz whole new people and environment. The job is easy as compared to KFC. Plus you get paid higher, which is want you wanted to know wasn't it? :)
  6. IceOnFire

    year 11s going into yr12

    You guys went skiing?? We went to this shit ass camp called Castle Mountain, where we slept in pidgeon holes.. :mad1: The food was shit, the accomodation was shit, the activities were shit, the instructors were shit. Worst of all it's expensive as... Narabeen was the best camp..:D
  7. IceOnFire

    Does anyone else...

    Well business studies can be fun.. :) We are going to Jamberoo this year for business.. :D
  8. IceOnFire

    Private or public?

    You got that right.. :)
  9. IceOnFire

    If u fail a subject in yr 11

    Um don't you need an invitation first before you can do 4unit Maths? If you don't get an invitation I think you will then have to apply.
  10. IceOnFire

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Did I miss something? This is the consequence when you don't go on BOS for one day. Absolutely clueless about what's going on.. :confused: Anyways got eco tests back.. 66.5/80 Rank 1/19 .. ^^ Heehee.. yes I know it's not that of a good mark. I lost ALL my marks on my two extended responses!! 13...
  11. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    I was working at Coles.. :) Only my second shift. Before I was working at KFC.. :mad1:
  12. IceOnFire

    Extension English

    I have to do three weeks of ext english hw next term before i can drop it.. NOOooOOoO!!!! :burn:
  13. IceOnFire

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Well I am off.. Me need my sleep.. :sleep: Bye pplz, or is it person cuz it appears to be that only SoulSearcher is left, well anyways night. :)
  14. IceOnFire

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Hahahah REJECTED!! lolz I have already said good night to you like twice already in different threads. You should feel special.. :)
  15. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    :eek: Are you threatening me? Or do you mean something entirely different? ;) :D
  16. IceOnFire

    Private or public?

    Well night.. didn't I already say that to you in the other thread?
  17. IceOnFire

    TO THE YR 11's!!!

    Night vorahk.. hahah he's a fob.. *Points and runs away*
  18. IceOnFire

    Private or public?

    Agreed. Obviously it can be seen that we are far superior.. :)
  19. IceOnFire

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Night Chocolat and Emi! Nice talking to you two.. :D
  20. IceOnFire

    yearly feedbacks- mark and rank

    Lolz double posts again. Anyways, my school is semi-selective and our grade was the first year of selectives that entered the school.. :D Our school is currently ranked 500 something. O boy are our grade going to bring it up. :)