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  1. Naminé

    What ISP you on ?

    Very unhappy Telstra user here. I dislike Telstra because they have contributed to the ridiculously subpar internet we have here. x( I'm only using Telstra because my mother told me to shut up when I whined. I really want to be on iinet or westnet. I also want a huge quota. I need one too...
  2. Naminé

    deteriorating books

    I guess you become tired and busier and stop caring? Mine started off messy though, and as my stuff always looks like Ike hit it, I'm not fussed x) I end up typing my work and pasting it into my book eventually. Weirdly my teachers put up with the absolute shit I do like that.
  3. Naminé

    Have most in your school gotten their preferred subjects?

    Re: SC Notes/Useful Links (No Spam) No idea... I haven't even received my first-semester report. ¬¬ The teachers assured us they wrote them, too. They're probably lost in administration hell. Presumably, though, as long as they're still running the courses, seeing as everyone wanted to take...
  4. Naminé

    Does the School Certificate and Trials even matter?

    Awww, I'm glad you're better. Hehehe, I didn't even know. I knew that my trials were 'sometime', but I turned up to school late today due to health problems and missed my entire English trial. Everyone was like, 'Wow, I wish I could skip like you too', lol. 'WHAT EXAMS AAAH OH MY GOD *FLAIL*'...
  5. Naminé

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I have an idea! Garriage! Quick, I'm getting my dictionary and writing that in. If essentially they're getting the same deal in 'garriage' [to title it for easy referral; garriage is such a stupid name], then why not just include it as marriage? For propriety's sake? =/ Many infertile but...
  6. Naminé

    year 10 formal

    Wow, where I am it's only $44. And I'm only going because my friends will detach my head from my torso if I don't. We're going to... some place... that is like... super-grassy, apparently. As far as I gather it's like a teddy-bear picnic. Unfortunately everyone else disagrees.
  7. Naminé

    Studying For School Certificate

    Yeah, I've taken all the practice tests repeatedly... ...which was amusing, because one of my Math assessment tasks was one of the tests I'd taken multiple times :p Studying calms me down because I feel like I'm going to do okay. I try not to entertain the possibility I won't x_x
  8. Naminé

    Did You Make It To Selective Schools?

    Yeah, I did. I left after three terms though due to ongoing conflicts with the other students and the teachers [no, I wasn't thrown out, I've never been on detention in my life, lolnerd]. I'm happy at my completely slightly-below-par ordinary school.
  9. Naminé

    Does the School Certificate and Trials even matter?

    They aren't that important in the relative scheme of things compared to say, the HSC, if you're continuing to Year Twelve. I would still study myself though as they do contribute towards your end-of-year mark and will reflect better on your abilities in the future if you do well. =) I'm a...