Search results

  1. Aplus

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI/course are you aiming for? My ability isn't that good. I procrastinate a lot.
  2. Aplus

    The Mighty Boosh - Funniest show on tv??

    The whole show is full of random and probably inspired by LSD or something psychedelic, because nothing in the show makes sense at all.
  3. Aplus

    Future Plans: What ATAR/course/job are you aiming for?

    Re: What UAI/course are you aiming for? Aiming for consistent 90+ marks for every assessment task.
  4. Aplus

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    Poor Tottenham lol.
  5. Aplus

    Show Us Your Preparation For Hsc!

    The phrase I used was, "so many". Obviously anyone can find the time to do all the questions in "any" textbook. Also, one textbook does not equate to the length of Namu's list.
  6. Aplus

    Show Us Your Preparation For Hsc!

    What's the point of having so many books if you won't have the time to do every single question?
  7. Aplus

    2009 HSC English Texts - What are you studying?

    Re: English Level I think he did mention that, and I quote, "But in essays, you shouldn't use it."
  8. Aplus

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    Liverpool 3-1 PSV Landmark goals: Stevie's 100th, Keane's 1st.
  9. Aplus

    Year 11 yearlies or School certificate gives better indication of HSC/UAI results?

    How is the School Certificate an indicator of anything?
  10. Aplus

    Preliminary HSC Yearly Exams Thoughts & Results

    Would they be marked properly though?
  11. Aplus

    Study Discussion

    Re: What is next for the 09er's? Next year, I guess the phrase, "Cherish the moment," will come to mean a lot.
  12. Aplus

    2009 HSC English Texts - What are you studying?

    I'm not completely sure, but I think my texts are as follows: Advanced English Belonging: The poetry of Emily Dickinson Critical Study of Texts: Essays of George Orwell Comparative Study of Texts: Frankenstein and Blade Runner Conflicting Perspectives: Julius Caesar For Extension 1 English I...
  13. Aplus

    Starting HSC work?

    Re: Have you started hsc work yet? Mathematics is nothing like any other subject. People are going to learn by themselves, at tutoring and with extra materials. I don't think the syllabus or policy can really apply for Mathematics. It's just something that students just learn themselves.
  14. Aplus

    Memorising Essays

    Good idea until you go into the exam room and are given a question which has absolutely no relation to the essay which you memorised and you are unable to adapt your essay to the question. Then you are fucked.
  15. Aplus

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    Teams that usually win? Let me tell you, I've been supporting football and Liverpool football club since I was about 6 years old and it we haven't always had great seasons but I've stuck by them for so many years and I always will.
  16. Aplus

    The Official Football Thread 08/09

    The true fans will be rewarded after so many years of pain.
  17. Aplus

    Starting HSC work?

    Re: Have you started hsc work yet? Is that not against BOS policy?
  18. Aplus

    Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides for Preliminary HSC?

    Re: Recommended Texbooks/Study Guides? It's Belonging. It's the critical analysis of the relationships between the individual identity and the society which shapes it so. What does it mean to belong? Is it our inner philosophy and values which shape that, or is it the society in which we live...
  19. Aplus

    Assignments Or Assessments...

    I would choose Assignments because they do really seem like, well, "free marks". "This is what we want you to do, and this is how long you have to do it. And here are the instructions." So you can't really go wrong.
  20. Aplus

    your favourite science!

    Physics because it's the fundamental science. Everything else is an application of Physics principles.