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  1. quik.

    I wanna tone up - advice?

    $90 for 4kg of protein powder How much steak you gonna get for 90 dollars mate 90 worth of chicken still aint going to last as long You don't want to use protein powder? That's fine. But it is a perfectly viable and downright successful product to use for pre/post workout nutrition
  2. quik.

    I wanna tone up - advice?

    Protein powder is cheaper than steak you dolt
  3. quik.

    I wanna tone up - advice?

    This thread is such a goddam clusterfuck To the OP: 'Toning' is not a training outcome. Tone is the level of contraction of your muscles in their relaxed state. You cannot change this, it is a genetic thing. There are two training outcomes you can focus on: losing fat mass / increasing lean...
  4. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Sprays cover the sidewall if you can't aim Even without the long nozzle tip I don't get it on the sidewall unless I'm retarded about it
  5. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    If this was serious you do not deserve to ride a motorcycle
  6. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Detergent of some kind, easiest to just use the same type you clean the chain with
  7. quik.

    how to waterproof a heavy bag

    If you miss your arm is there? Straight up thug
  8. quik.

    how to waterproof a heavy bag

    Who recoils after throwing a hook, you punch through the bag You can pick up canvas bags p cheap if you're worried about water damage
  9. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Haha I've never hit a false N going down, only going up from 1>2
  10. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    For rizzle, the only time I have seen people stop to help at any kind of accident was when it was a head on and the girl got out hyperventilating and freaking out Even then, only a couple people helped her and mum kept on driving People are jerks
  11. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    I'm taking the lack of mention as a sign that you don't think I will be crashing anytime soon, rather than simply not remembering who I am at all :cold: Snowfox, did you look for red runners before going?
  12. quik.

    Worst car on the road today?

    <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=""...
  13. quik.

    Worst car on the road today?

    I dislike digital speedos because there is something about watching the needle steadily rise Plus I prefer the look of analogue gauges
  14. quik.

    Greg Bird glassing conviction quashed

    Seeing as he was initially convicted I don't think he has grounds to sue I'm glad it was overturned though cos he was a good player so if another team picks him up I'll be happy
  15. quik.

    Views on smoking?

    Smoking = instant dismissal, personally I don't mind if people smoke (even around me) as long as they are considerate about it. But I do think it is a retarded thing to do so I wouldn't date someone who did.
  16. quik.

    So you think you want a motorcycle?

    Ahaha did you lose your L's Azamakumar? Bloody hoons
  17. quik.

    Should religions enjoy tax exempt status?

    Excuse my ignorance, but why are religions currently exempt?
  18. quik.

    Talking/texting on phone while driving.

    You say it never affected your driving, but studies (SCIENCE) say it does Even if you are a mental giant capable of talking/txting while driving without it having any impact on your awareness, you would be the exception and not the rule The amount of dumb shit I have seen people pull while on...
  19. quik.

    Talking/texting on phone while driving.

    Haaate the useless cunts that do this If my friends answer while driving I call them dumb and hang up
  20. quik.

    Financing your car?

    If you have defaulted on loans in the past and currently have credit card debts, while also finding it hard to save, I'd say adding a loan on top of these things is a p stupid idea