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  1. S

    Powerplay - Related Texts

    if you can do american beauty well then its possible... sorry for the zen sounding way that phrase came out. if my memory is correct... well, since powerplay explores the extent that power resides with the people, u could say that its an exploration of the 'common' people- those who aren't...
  2. S

    whats your record...?

    1. 30 am for a 4 unint english report last thursday night... predict something similar for this freaking ext eng 1 essay thats due tomorrow... i have the makings of a first draft now... mannnn i am so going to actually time manage now...
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    Prelim UTOPIA texts!!!!

    gene brewer's KPAX... i was able to use it for utopia....
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    Should English Be Compulsary Poll

    like someone else above said (sorry i cant remember who ><)- english should be compulsory but i dont reckon it should be one of those compulsory two units that counts towards your uai. i dont agree though that the emphasis should be on literacy... i actually like the course how it is- i think...
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    Study periods

    i use it to do stuff on my art major work ... and then bludge..
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    What Is Existentialism?

    well my understanding of it is its the study of existence- how we should live, why we're living/ here, what's the point? i could be miles miles off but it arose i nthe immediate years after the two world wars with the horros and carnage of the war, the holocaust- how can humans be so great if...
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    Preliminary Textbooks

    ooo, i remember the 20th century thing... back in the days of being in year 11 :P the outbreak of ww1 is useful as it gives a background for the HSC course. for modern history, the core topic is: source based (so source study) and on WW1- how it ground to a stalemate.... up till what happened...
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    Preliminary Textbooks

    also.... For prelim courses we were lucky cos our teacher photocopied form all these various books and put them together into one SUPERbook./.. since you're in prelim, you could get into the habit of actually going out to the library (school/ local/ uni) and searching for actual history books...
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    Preliminary Textbooks

    well what topics are your doing>
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    Can you quote historiography in your introduction of an essay?

    quote a thons are big NO... unless its relevant to what you're arguing... as our teacher likes reminding us...
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    Can you quote historiography in your introduction of an essay?

    yea, keep the historiography for the body...
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    Do you write notes to key features or students learn about?

    hey there i dunno i also read that its good to write your notes in relation to key features and issues... but then you also have to have a solid grasp of EVERYTHING in the 'students learn to' parts... the teacher also agreed when i brought it up but hadn't really told us to do it that way while...
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    Best scenes for powerplay In Antony & Cleopatra?

    alrighty, ACt 1 scene 1, with philo and demetrius describing ANtony's power interms of the Roman values i.e. masculine, military strenght, duty thru allusions to antony being "like plated Mars", having a "captain's heart", "triple pillar of the world" (u know, pillar being strong, steady etc)...
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    info please

    i don't actually do law but there are NO prerequisites if you want to do law at university. (this guy who's a law lecturer at macquarie uni came in to our school yesterday to talk to us about law). however, if you're doing a combined law degree i.e. law and engineering for example, there might...
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    3-4 minute speeches

    about 600 for me
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    Am I being over-assessed?!?!

    this probably sounds infuriating but like most of the ppl above are saying except in more succinct terms- with all the practice and feedback you're getting, you're probably gonna kick ass (esp. mine) in the actual hsc exam.
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    Matt Damon

    well, i've not personally met with matty boy but from what i've gathered from his movies (:P) he kinda creeps me out after i watched himn in the talented mr. ripley... trying to basically steal some guy's identity and girlfriend... but he seems intelligent (didn't he write good will hunting with...
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    What are you currently Reading?

    rebecca... by daphne someone...
  19. S

    What are you currently Reading?

    ooo north and south! ^^ erm, rebecca by daphne du someone... forget the rest of her name
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    mmm yes, i vote one for the soymilk and cinammon and honey... but lately ive started to become a museli fiend.... mmmmm... banana in porridge is also pretty good... and almonds...