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  1. K

    multiple choice question 2006 someone please explain how number 7 is not an increase in the quota? as the quantity has decreased casuing the price to increase
  2. K

    do the hsc people check your toilets?

    gah hate the src.... and who says the people in the src are honest? my major hate to src people is just because they host assesmblies and crap they automatically get selected above other students for scholarships because their CV says captain. i was school captain in my primary and didnt join...
  3. K

    Please read my creative writing?!

    yeah definitely tell us your mark. not so sure about the first half of the end line. other than that absolutely brilliant
  4. K

    telling if an acid can donate a proton based on pH and concentration?

    ohok cool i did the working out the hydrogens a guess as i could not think of anything else, didnt think it would be right!
  5. K

    telling if an acid can donate a proton based on pH and concentration?

    Which acid can donate more than one proton: P - concentration 0.01 - pH 2 Q - conc 0.05 - pH 1 R - conc 0.1 - pH 1 S - conc 0.1 - pH 2 have no idea how to approach it??
  6. K

    losing weight?

    omg we have the exact same height and weight. spooky. although im not asian
  7. K

    Food Technology Marathon (question and answer)

    i just realised i only answered that for equip :S
  8. K

    Food Technology Marathon (question and answer)

    didnt like question number three. loved the m/c and long responses were easy, but not very long? Food manufacturing equipment varies in size and shape depending on the amount of food to be produced. The equip used in food manufacturing plants completes the same tasks as appliances and utensils...
  9. K

    Food Technology Marathon (question and answer)

    just in a random section of one of the first two topics of the textbook, not a syllabus dot point though. Macro enviro is the broad external enviro that influences a company and is largely out of the company's control, such as the level of interest rates. Ask me questions from topics one and...
  10. K

    if discrimination applies to race,what is the word for discrimination against religon

    Re: if discrimination applies to race,what is the word for discrimination against rel haha i like the last one :)
  11. K

    Faking Your 120 log book hours

    got my p's yesterday, straight after my birthday. Drove to school, about 5 minute drive, wrote it down as an hour, same for home from school. got my p's first time i went. Big long drives are useless, its the small drives in traffic in bus streets that help you anyway
  12. K

    short story, marks and suggested improvements please!

    Thanks alot :) teacher said i need to change my ending and i wasnt sure what to then i came on here and i will change it to that :) on and my teachers are big on 'show not tell'
  13. K

    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    you didnt answer my q?
  14. K

    Hsc Marathon 2009 - Chemistry

    wow this thread is quite dead
  15. K

    if discrimination applies to race,what is the word for discrimination against religon

    im sure its really obvious, just having a mind blank while doing some english
  16. K

    short story, marks and suggested improvements please!

    what do you mean by the characterisation has inconstancies, some egs please :)
  17. K

    short story, marks and suggested improvements please!

    I know this story is far from a band 6 but i sit there and look at in wondering how i can improve it. Hopefully some perspective of others will help :) do the short stories need to have titles? No kindness in the face of strangers, so now I must try to fit in… now I must try to belong… -...