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  1. Fortify

    d+d+24 = dd24 ?

    d+d+24 = dd24 ?
  2. Fortify

    What's a bullturd :S

    What's a bullturd :S
  3. Fortify

    thanks for +rep ! legend (:

    thanks for +rep ! legend (:
  4. Fortify

    It's* No shit, I'm the one who exploited her/him

    It's* No shit, I'm the one who exploited her/him
  5. Fortify

    You must love Mcloving; apparently he has HUGE pecks.

    You must love Mcloving; apparently he has HUGE pecks.
  6. Fortify

    I see you like men with nice pecks.

    I see you like men with nice pecks.
  7. Fortify

    Most Overrated Games

    Do you mean Defence of the Asians?
  8. Fortify

    [IMG] This is pretty tank.

    [IMG] This is pretty tank.
  9. Fortify

    3 bananas

    noice noice.
  10. Fortify

    [IMG] Like him ?

    [IMG] Like him ?
  11. Fortify

    to drop chemistry or not...

    Due to your stupidity, then Chemistry would not be 'shit easy'.
  12. Fortify

    Care to elaborate further?

    Care to elaborate further?
  13. Fortify


  14. Fortify


    Nice 1st post.
  15. Fortify

    Volumes about the Y-Axis

    How ironic.
  16. Fortify


  17. Fortify

    how could you drop maths =0 my subjects aren't asian :P apparently the asian/99 combo is: 4U...

    how could you drop maths =0 my subjects aren't asian :P apparently the asian/99 combo is: 4U Maths, Eng Adv., Phys, Chem, Eco. I should of tried that combo =(
  18. Fortify

    Text Book recommendation

    For Mathematics; Start off with some easy questions in Maths in Focus then move on to Fitzpatrick/Cambridge. For exams preparations, just do as much past papers as possible.
  19. Fortify

    whots wong with having that name ?

    whots wong with having that name ?
  20. Fortify

    Don't worry Lanina; I've been in your situation all last year.

    Don't worry Lanina; I've been in your situation all last year.