Search results

  1. N

    What school do you dislike?

    I dislike: 1) Fort Street high: heaps of people take drugs there and they still get good uais 2) Willey Park Girls: dont get me started about this school. It's terrible! 3) Punchbowl Boys High: terrible. 4) Birrong Boys High: rude people 5) Chester Hill High: rude and shi t why does everyone...
  2. N

    Organising Work (merged)

    Re: Folders or Books? I use a display folder for English and exercise book for everything else. We're not allowed to use exercise books for English. I prefer using exercise books though. With folders its odd because I dont try as hard. It's because I always have my sheets bundled together, and...
  3. N

    Natural talent or just a lot of hard work put in?

    Hard work gets you the good marks, but natural talent maintains it
  4. N

    what subject do i need 2 choose?

    PDHPE, Advanced English, Mathematics Ex t 1, Biology Nutrition maybe?
  5. N

    What are you currently Reading?

    just finished: Tomorrow When the War began : so boring when you read it, get addictive for some reason THe Curious INcident of the Dog in the NIght Ti me: so good! It's so hilarious! Best book I've ever read! Currently reading: The Power of One: pretty good
  6. N

    Animal Farm

    This is one of the best books that I have read for English study. It's much better than Shakespeare. Much better than Jane Austen. It's short and so cute. Such a easy read as well. The ending was sad though. But it was funny how it changed to Four legs good, two legs better. lol. I like it...
  7. N

    Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

    I realised nobody placed a thread about Digital Fortress by Dan Brown. awww well Personally, I think that its better than Deception Point but nowhere near as Angels and DEmons and the Dav vinci Code. The book was a bit preditable though but not as predictable as Deception Point. Share your...
  8. N

    Does anyone write poetry?

    A friend of mine writes poetry about the guy she loves. She even writes poetry about her feelings, using flowers and butterflies to describe her personality. Poetry is just too icky to me. I dont write it.
  9. N

    What is your opinion of the current PM, Kevin Rudd?

    Howard was mean. Rudd is nicer, but I get the feeling that Rudd seems too soft to handle a country.
  10. N

    The 'Tomorrow' Series and the 'Ellie Chronicles'

    I'm starting to read the tomorrow series. Heaps of people at school love it. Everyone says its really good. My opinion? It's boring.
  11. N

    How many books have you read so far?

    Average number of books most people read in a year is 50. (source: reader's digest) That means from January 2005 to June 2005, most would or should have read about 25 So far in the year..... If you've read: 5 or below : must not like reading 5 - 10 : aint good 10 - 15: below average 15-20...
  12. N

    Can anyone recommend a good Year 10, 5.3 Math guide?

    use Maths Zone 10 5.3. its really good.
  13. N

    ever feel that you did well in a test but did bad? or felt bad and did good?

    lol more female students top subjects in my school as well, but it depends on the individual. A friend told me that the top students are usually female and bottom students are also female. not sure if thats true or not...
  14. N


    animal farm is a great book. short and really funny
  15. N

    Do you have to be good at Maths to do Physics?

    at my school, at least 2 unit maths is required
  16. N

    Preliminary Math - Always a nightmare!?

    My math teacher has always said that: ' a good mathematician will not need to study a lot before a test. They already have good concepts of maths, so flipping through a few questions is all it will take.' If you are a good maths student, I reckon doing chapter Reviews will be fine. All you...
  17. N

    How do you write/type notes?

    I write in long paragraphs with both important and non important information. I highlight the important info. It helps to write paragraphs for your notes, esp, for ext response becaus you can just memorise your notes. After that, I write my notes all over again (this time, handwritten) and...
  18. N

    Tips on getting into a selective school for yr 11

    its okay because some people in selective even get participations. interviews are scary at my school (from what I've heard). YOu see the meanest teacher in the entire world
  19. N

    ever feel that you did well in a test but did bad? or felt bad and did good?

    same for my grade. but it really depends on the individual. For a fact, I know some people who do good in topic tests but really badly in the exam. Somtimes its because of stress that makes you miss obvious points in the exam only 3 to 4 females? wow. thats only a bit. in my class (which is...
  20. N

    choosing subjects for Year 11

    Yep. thats my situation. IM doing extension maths, so that leaves 11 units. That means I'll have to do Studies of Religion or Fundamentals of English (if Im doing standard english). Stupid school. coz I really dont want to do religion, but I'll drop it at the end of Year 11, or I might change...