Search results

  1. Z

    Why are Black people so religious?

  2. Z

    2010 State Election

    I won't vote for the lesser of two evils. I'll go a third party candidate.
  3. Z

    Tony Abbot in near miss miss with a truck

    Near Miss? It's a near hit. If the truck actually hit Aboot then it's a near miss.
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    Multicultural or Monocultural: Which is better?

    I think Homogenous is the correct term. But I guess it's up to the individual. Some people hate immigrants for all sorts of reasons some embrace them. Although people tend to think the west is racist I think Asian people hold far more racist views especially to people who have dark skin like...
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    Internet filtering: You can't opt-out

    Conroy Tries to Expand Censorship to Youtube but Google Doesn't budge. Google says it will not "voluntarily" comply with the government's request that it censor YouTube videos in accordance with broad "refused classification" (RC) content rules. Communications Minister Stephen Conroy referred...
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    India uses children to build structures for upcoming Commonwealth Games

    The western nations were built on the backs of child labor. The conditions in 17 century Britain were worse than this.
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    Need cash? Decent looking chick? Auction your virginity!

    I'd hit it. with a 24 inch cricket bat
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    Fuck off we're full. Immigrants taking true blue Aussie houses

    Too bad that means your mum will be forced to suck cocks to pay for your chicken mcnuggets.
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    Childcare -Chinese Style

    Shut up cracker.
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    Are Pacific Islanders and abo Kiwis the most violent people in Australia?

    The dark races are always prone to crime as they on average lower IQ and brain capacity.
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    SA Labor gags internet debate

    Vote 3rd party. Stop supporting these dictatorial assholes.
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    Racist Gooks cut off Indian Student's ear in Melbourne

    Something tells me the OP is a troll.
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    Republic of Australia - Yay or Nay?

    We'll still be slaves to the Rothschilds.
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    Has anyone ever been to Africa?

    I plan on going there with my friend. Does anyone know the best places to visit and how much it would cost?
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    Five teens die in worst smash ever seen

    Every single one of those mourners should be executed for stupidity.
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    Taiwanese man dies after watching Avatar

    Re: Chinese guy dies after watching Avatar Taiwan is known as the Republic of China therefore they are still China although pro-independence people would disagree.
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    Possibly 100,000 dead in Haiti earthquake

    Magnitude-7 Quake Hits Haiti Haiti's one of the few nations that has no diplomatic relations with China. The same can be said for America.
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    Google ceases censorship, threatens China pullout

    I'm pointing out googles hypocrisy, I am against Nationalism. Furthermore there's nothing that guarantees freedom of speech in this country. You already have hate speech law, defamation laws, harassment laws, anti terror and national security laws the ensure you will be arrested for saying the...
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    Google ceases censorship, threatens China pullout

    Google are a bunch of hypocrites. They have always engaged in censorship and continue to. Now they want to pull out because they couldn't adapt to the conditions of China and its laws. Google agrees to take down racist site They just agreed to take down a search result considered "offensive"...
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    Sex Robot Unveiled

    I want one!!!