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  1. tommykins

    iPhone 4 - 4th Gen iPhone

    Once again Apple manages to manipulate all the oblivious consumerist drones of society. Well done Apple, well done.
  2. tommykins

    To all the people who have made it into law

    don't get where the whole idea that law = genius etc. etc. is coming from
  3. tommykins

    people who put you down.

    Ya because their poor upbringing has no bearing on why they want their kid to succeed since they didn't get the chance to aye
  4. tommykins

    Trigonometry - using pi or angles

    come uni time it's normally radians
  5. tommykins

    UNSW Tips & Tricks?

    but if i tell you then you'll take my spots :( my secret parking spot is 5-10 mins max :D
  6. tommykins

    Heroes of newerth

    Yes I agree. First time playing I had no idea cause I wasn't used to it with the buy menus and all. 3 games in and I pretty much ripped all the 1.8-2k psr players with my mates, whom all came from dota.
  7. tommykins

    Dating your best mate's ex.

    No, unless given permission.
  8. tommykins

    For the Love of God....

    6 and 7 were the funniest. She goes on about ad hominems and random logical fallacies yet creates strawmen left right and centre. Also, when presented (well, not presented as it's impossible where they are but more so informed) of evidence, completely dodges it and goes on to say about...
  9. tommykins

    For the Love of God....

    YouTube - Richard Dawkins Interviews Creationist Wendy Wright (Part 1/7) If anyone can past 4/7, I commend you. I lost a few brain cells watching this.
  10. tommykins

    Heroes of newerth

    lol kdr means nothing, psr means nothing. 1600's are god awful bad unless they're smurfs
  11. tommykins

    Heroes of newerth

    boots first item ok, best shit ever and lol psr, what a joke of a system. me and my mate get trolled for our 1.7k's when we beat the 1.9k'ers
  12. tommykins

    Get into UNSW Engineering with an ATAR of low 80s?

    Not really physics, but you're making it hard on yourself if you don't do 4unit. 3unit will suffice but everything is pretty much 'learning new stuff' in first year rather than revision if you did 4u.
  13. tommykins

    Get into UNSW Engineering with an ATAR of low 80s?

    I disagree. UAIs are inflated, few mates with 80's got in easily.
  14. tommykins

    Exponentials and Logs help!?

    h = (3-1)/2 not (3-0)
  15. tommykins

    Exponentials and Logs help!?

    It's also asking for the area with the y axis, not the x.
  16. tommykins

    Exponentials and Logs help!?

    What...? How does e^2x = 3 turn into 2xe = 3?
  17. tommykins

    Exponentials and Logs help!?

    You have the formula, show us your working out or what you've done so far.
  18. tommykins

    Exponentials and Logs help!?

    Should be a ln10.lnx - lnx = 0 lnx(ln10-1) = 0 lnx = 0 thus x = 1.
  19. tommykins

    Modern Family

    Anyone start watching this show? Seems pretty funny. The concept is something original. But DAMNNNN the brunette milf (Sofia Vergara) + blonde milf (Julie Bowen) make a killer combination. I'd watch this just for them lololol