Search results

  1. Sathius005

    Do you support increasing mental health research funding?

    Research slows on mental health drugs The pullback in mental health medication research comes after a series of failures in clinical trials that evaluated anti-depressants and anti-psychotic. Source AAP UPDATED 5:58 PM - 26 Nov 2013 Research into medications to treat mental health...
  2. Sathius005

    Why UTS Business?

    If you want to look at the difficulty for Bachelor of Business in first year at UTS Business I suggest you look at some past papers such as: Fundamentals of Business Finance Past papers
  3. Sathius005

    Why UTS Business?

    UTS Business has always been considered one of Australia's top business schools. It's why we are among only one per cent elite business schools in the world accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). And why we have been top ranked by the Australian...
  4. Sathius005

    Thoughts on Law?

    News flash: We are the middle of an economic meltdown. The demand for lawyers have reduced companies are not exactly lining up to hire lawyers.
  5. Sathius005

    Globalisations should benefit who?

    If economic globalisation is inevitable, it should primarily serve humanity rather than the interests of trans-national corporations. I think the people of Bored of Studies will be very interested given the shit storm on social media like Facebook. Globalisation is process through which...
  6. Sathius005

    Do you support fiscal cut backs for the federal budget?

    Do you support fiscal cut backs for the federal budget? Source: The Aust THERE will be no let-up in the spending pressures pushing the budget deeper into deficit for at least four years, analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Office reveals, as a private consulting firm warns that deficits will...
  7. Sathius005

    Would Australia be a better country if George W Bush was Prime Minister of Australia?

    Re: Would Australia be a better country if George W Bush was Prime Minister of Austra The polling numbers are very accurate coupled with betting odds by professional punters. Tony Abbott is on the verge of becoming a one term government and will be known in the history books as the worst...
  8. Sathius005

    Would Australia be a better country if George W Bush was Prime Minister of Australia?

    Re: Would Australia be a better country if George W Bush was Prime Minister of Austra Tony Abbott's popularity plummets as LNP voters discover just how bad he is at running the country. If an election was held now Labor would win according to Nielsen. Tony Abbott is going to be one of the worst...
  9. Sathius005

    Tamil Refugees

    The Australian government has shut the door on Sri Lankan Tamils to come to Australia via the humanitarian (refugee) intake. This practice was started by Julia Gillard. I think this is a day of shame for Australian politics in general. The Australian government has branded Sri Lankan refugees as...
  10. Sathius005

    Growing concerns over side-effects of psychiatric drug Seroquel

    Growing concerns over side-effects of psychiatric drug Seroquel ABC News By Louise Milligan There are growing concerns about the side-effects of a top-selling anti-psychotic, with ambulance call-outs for emergencies involving the drug skyrocketing over the past decade. Quetiapine, commonly...
  11. Sathius005

    Can Labor win the 2016 federal election?

    Nielsen opinion poll suggests that Labor would win the election if it were held now as of 26/11/13. Newspoll opinion poll suggests that Liberals would win the election if it were held now as of 26/11/13. I predict if an election were held now it would be a hung parliament like the 2010 federal...
  12. Sathius005

    law questions

    Re: Do you respect the Australian legal system? Distinguish between the Doctrine of Reception, Mabo judgement and the Wik judgement (6 marks). The Doctrine of Reception states that Australia was terra nullius at the time of settlement which meant that Australia was unoccupied at the time of...
  13. Sathius005

    law questions

    1) Why do we need law? Law is regulations emanating from government and applicable to people via legislation, custom and policies recognised and enforced by judicial decision. We need law to provide a complex system of social control, regulating conduct, provides rules for governing...
  14. Sathius005

    Do you support a fairer society?

    Rather than working for money I want to make money work for me. I believe that for every action there is an opposite reaction. If you are rich now one day you could end up becoming poor. I heard of some lawyers/ business people who became mentally disabled and became unemployed. It's good to...
  15. Sathius005

    University cuts

    Do you support cuts to universities? Uni cuts undermine responsibility Source: Sky News The tertiary education union has accused Education Minister Christopher Pyne of undermining ministerial responsibility by introducing laws he knows will hurt students and universities. The government...
  16. Sathius005

    Do you believe in a big Australia?

    My definition of a Big Australia is a population of 42 million people living in Australia by 2050. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics our population is predicted to grow to 42 million by 2050. This is mainly due to increased levels of immigration. Australia's population is growing...
  17. Sathius005

    Increasing the age pension age to 70

    Re: Do you support increasing the qualifying age for the age pension to 70? By 2060, Australia's population likely to reach 42 million, says Productivity Commission paper Source: SMH Sydney and Melbourne will each house 7 million people by 2060; Australia might house 42 million. By then 58 per...
  18. Sathius005

    Do you support a fairer society?

    Some male American entertainer who was making millions of dollars a year has just declared bankruptcy in November 2013. Some people go from millionaire to broke in the blink of an eye. I also know the story of a Vice President of Communications at an American corporation who was making $300...
  19. Sathius005

    Increasing the age pension age to 70

    Re: Do you support increasing the qualifying age for the age pension to 70? My motto is work till you drop. Working provides a sense of purpose, a sense of dignity and respect. I think older Australians are entitled to be in the workforce and should not be subject to age discrimination.
  20. Sathius005

    Increasing the age pension age to 70

    Do you support increasing the qualifying age for the age pension to 70? A new report has proposed lifting the pension age to 70 to help government services cope with an ageing population. The Productivity Commission projects Australia's population will grow from to about 38 million by 2060...