Search results

  1. Sathius005

    Can Labor win the 2016 federal election?

    Can Labor win the 2016 federal election? John Howard warns Liberals frail Labor will rise again Read more: Bill Shorten's beleaguered Labor MPs...
  2. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Tony Abbott's Massive Debt Without Stimulus. Tony Abbott should have died of shame for the misleading and deceptive statements that he made about debt and deficit. We do not have a national emergency/ debt crisis compared to...
  3. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election My advice to the ALP is not to preselect Deb O Neill for the NSW senator position in federal parliament. She is just plain toxic. She is a former school teacher and has no parliamentary aptitude i.e. she has never had a legal/ business education at a top five per cent...
  4. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Centre – left political supporters are starting to say “Abbott and his Tea Party rednecks continue to vilify people escaping war and oppression. The KKK have taken over the government benches and will soon be reintroducing the White Australia Policy!” Minister wants...
  5. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I think that the science of climate change is absolute crap. The carbon tax is toxic. The climate change alarmist garbage fed by the Greens/ Fairfax and ABC is an absolute shocker. These organisations should have stayed away from this economy destructive policies. What...
  6. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I think the federal Coalition is making a mistake in abandoning Integrated Marketing Communications including public relations strategy. The Liberals want to take politics off the front pages and are not obsessed about managing the 24 hour media cycle. I think the ALP...
  7. Sathius005

    Who is more conservative Obama or Gillard?

    Who is more conservative Obama or Gillard? Discuss please. A) Barack Obama B) Julia Gillard
  8. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I think it is vital that every Australian understands their Bible proverbs.
  9. Sathius005

    What's your politics?

    I am proud to be an American Republican called Arnie . I am more Liberal than Labor according to these results. I love Tony Abbott much more than Julia Gillard even though I am a Labor voter.
  10. Sathius005

    What's your politics?

    Do this quiz to find out if you are a conservative, libertarian, authoritarian or progressive. Please post your results. Tell all your friends on BOS to do this quiz and to post their results.
  11. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Shorten’s Generational Change Source: The Aust Bill Shorten has promoted close supporters to key positions in his first frontbench and handed challenging portfolios to rising Labor stars as he announced a shadow ministry that he said produced "generational change".
  12. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election . As a conservative I oppose Gay Marriage. I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman.
  13. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Funkshen said I am the foremost sage of our era. After all I came first at UTS Law in Business Law and Ethics. UTS Law is a top one per cent law school in the world.
  14. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election No one will ever know. I will just say " Everyone that know me well thinks that I am a straight sort of guy and I am. I don't get involved in bent things. I did nothing wrong. There is no evidence to convict me of welfare fraud, I am willing to cooperate with the...
  15. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I encourage SBS to make a documentary titled "Labor Rule (2007-2013)" and the ABC to make a documentary titled "The Rudd and Gillard Years."
  16. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I haven't ruled out joining the Liberal Party. I profoundly believe and place a premium on the individual spirit. To understand my culture you have to understand the individual spirit.
  17. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election Here's the New Frontbench for the ALP Opposition.
  18. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I am a fellow who is willing to stand for what I believe in the face of political censure. This is what I believe and I am going to stand strong.
  19. Sathius005

    Federal Election

    Re: 2016 Federal Election I am quasi-George Bush and quasi- John Howard.
  20. Sathius005

    Which is a higher priority for the federal government?

    Which is a higher priority for the federal government budget A) welfare B) defence?