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  1. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Fresh face, new style from Bowen. The face of Labor's economic policy is fresh, young and many are tipping Chris Bowen to become Australia's longest serving Treasurer. Kevin Rudd's resurgence has been based on the material fact that Chris Bown is one of Australia's youngest Treasurers and on...
  2. Sathius005

    Does God exist?

    I highly suggest people look up "Joel Osteen" on you tube. He is a very good Christian motivational speaker. I also suggest that you look up "Anthony Robbins New Year New Life 2012" on you tube. Robbins is a very good motivational speaker and is regarded by many as the greatest motivational...
  3. Sathius005

    Which month should Kevin Rudd hold the election?

    Which month should Kevin Rudd hold the election? A) August B) September C) October D) November The likelihood of an early election is gaining momentum, with the Government vowing to seek a mandate from voters for its changes to the carbon tax and flagging holding the local government...
  4. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Kevin Rudd is the terminator when it comes to the carbon tax and will terminate the carbon tax. Tony Abbott is just an exaggerator and a fabricator.
  5. Sathius005

    How did you go in Bachelor of Business Autumn semester 2013?

    The final exam for MPO is all multiple choice (when I sat the exam in autumn 2009). My advice for MPO is that you make up your own questions using the journal articles and textbook readings as the framework for your questions. Ask a lot of questions to the lecturer and talk about your essay...
  6. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Scott Morrison is a racist grub and is the man who wanted to reintroduce racist immigration policies such as banning Muslim immigration. I am no fan of Muslim immigration but I believe Australia must be the land of the fair go. Having said that Jihardist Muslim culture is toxic savage culture.
  7. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    I admit that my position on environmental protection has changed. I used to be a little pro environmental protection in 2013, now I a massive fan of economic growth. Ask me the three priorities of a Labor govt it is jobs, jobs, jobs. Labor is the party of jobs and it goes to the heart of our...
  8. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Kevin Rudd is set to terminate the carbon tax and replace with an Emissions Trading Scheme. The carbon price will be reduced from $30 a tonne of pollution in 2015 to $6 a tonne of pollution from July 2014. Mr Rudd is a populist and listens to the wishes of the Australian people. Rudd has...
  9. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    In the 2010 federal election Tony Abbott did an amazing job in almost winning the 2010 federal election. Judging from the polling about Malcolm Turnbull being the leader of the Opposition in 2009, many political analysts were predicting the Coalition to lose 30 seats in the federal election. In...
  10. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Coalition would lose election: Nielsen poll. Opposition leader Tony Abbott has ruled out a power sharing agreement as the opinion polls continue to point to a knife edge election. The Nielsen poll says that Labor could pick up eight seats in Queensland, one in NSW and lose three in Victoria...
  11. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Okashi is a neo-Nazi in that he advocates cruel, inhumane and toxic policies such as towing the boats back into Indonesian territorial waters. Okashi continues to be a persecution denier. Asylum seekers deserve our compassion. Did Okashi think to conquer the people or that law was larger than...
  12. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Rudd puts Labor on level pegging. Source; Australian Financial Review. The outcome of the 2013 federal election is too close to call, maybe slightly with Labor in front. Labor is storming back into contention under the leadership of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to draw even with the Coalition. The...
  13. Sathius005

    Now, who can run the best campaign?

    Now, who can run the best campaign? The Rudd resurgence Federal Labor has stormed back into contention as the 2013 election nears, but PM Kevin Rudd's sudden poll jump could prove fragile. Who is the better campaigner, Kevin Rudd or Tony Abbott? After three years of almost complete...
  14. Sathius005

    Do you think Aust is soft touch on border protection?

    Kaz 1 is lurching to the right on border protection. Kaz 1 claims to be a socialist but with friends like her you don't need enemies. She holds asylum seekers and refugees with utter contempt. I am ashamed to call her my friend. As a member of the Labor movement I will continue to advocate...
  15. Sathius005

    Do you think Aust is soft touch on border protection?

    John Howard once claimed that gone are the days when Australia is seen as soft touch on border protection by asylum seekers when he introduced TPV's and the Pacific Solution. Gillard reintroduced the Pacific Solution and implemented the no advantage test for asylum seeker processing when...
  16. Sathius005

    Do you believe that Kevin Rudd will serve full term as Prime Minister?

    Do you believe that Kevin Rudd will serve full term as Prime Minister until the 2016 federal election campaign? The premise of this question is based on the possible material fact that Rudd wins the 2013 federal election. Or do you think that the faceless men within the Australian Labor party...
  17. Sathius005

    Do you support life sentences for people smugglers

    People smugglers are the new evil in our world, they are fanatics utterly indifferent with the sanctity of human life. We the great democracies of this world are going to come together and fight this evil and eradicate it completely from our world. People smugglers are a risk to national...
  18. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    I watched Mr Bowen on 7.30 Report on the ABC yesterday. Chris Bowen, Treasurer of Australia says the company tax rate of thirty per cent will be reduced in the medium term under a Labor government. He also said that Labor was the party of the individuals,small business and industry. Furthermore...
  19. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    I think Australians are getting sick of Mr Abbott's relentless negativity and hollow fear campaign. Australians want to see real positive solutions that can help this great nation of our become even greater.
  20. Sathius005

    2013 Federal election

    Gillard was not shit at politics, she was very good at governing but very bad at campaigning her policies in the Australian electorate.