Search results

  1. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Design and Technology

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here. Congratulations all on finishing your HSC!
  2. Rafy

    Senate election declared invalid

    New Fellows of Senate UG: Benjamin Veness PG: James Flynn
  3. Rafy

    Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation)

    Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09) I created the pdf. Still here. I've fixed up the first post. You can access it here: I'll update it soon.
  4. Rafy

    Assessment Rank Order notice

    Your Assessment Ranks will be available from 4.00pm Friday 11 November on Students Online. This is an opportunity to check your ranks are accurate. It is important you check as these rankings will be used in the calculation of your final marks.
  5. Rafy

    General Thoughts: SDD

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  6. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Food Technology

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  7. Rafy

    Printing at Uni

    Yep, get yourself a printer. You'll need it.
  8. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Senior Science

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  9. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Visual Arts

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  10. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Computing Skills

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  11. Rafy

    Results and Certificate

    Award documents arrive in schools on Thursday, 8 December 2011. If you are still at school then you'll usually be given them at school. Most independent schools will be on holidays already so those schools will send them on to the student in the post. Your school will tell you arrangements for...
  12. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Australian History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship

    How did you find the exam? Share you thoughts here
  13. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Mathematics

    How did you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  14. Rafy


    The Board has released a document outlining the proposed NSW Record of School Achievement that will replace the current School Certificate from next year. Implementing a proposed NSW Record of School Achievement [PDF] A consultation period on the proposals is now underway and a survey is...
  15. Rafy

    Foodtech exam set out! Important for all ft students

    Food Technology HSC examination specifications The examination will consist of a written paper worth 100 marks. Time allowed: 3 hours plus 5 minutes reading time. The paper will consist of four sections. There will be approximately equal weighting of each of the four core strands across...
  16. Rafy

    SC science 2011
  17. Rafy

    How did you find the school certifcate science and english?
  18. Rafy

    General Thoughts: Science

    How'd you find the exam? Share your thoughts here
  19. Rafy

    What OS are you currently using?

    Mac OSX 10.6.7 Windows 7 Professional iOS 5
  20. Rafy

    School Certificate Exam Thoughts

    Hi SCers, Share your thoughts of the SC exams and discuss your answers with your fellow students in our exam thoughts forum: