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  1. soha

    movies and relationships

    it may only be a movie but this shit actually happens not like aliens and crap people and their emotions and their behaviour and kissing etc maybe not to ur average jo blow like u or me but im sure its happened to some random..somewhere..somehow all this romantic lovey dovey stuff and...
  2. soha

    Australians want tsunami donations refunded after Corby declared guilty

    some people are disgusting i give my money with good intentions and hope that it can benefit someone who needs it more thne me and i usually trust the charity will deliver the money to the people asking for it back..thats so low..i cnat believe people have the heart to do that
  3. soha

    Von Dutch no more

    ok i didnt even know von dutch was a real brand i thought it was just a cheap and tacky brand to begin with hm...
  4. soha

    Why do people care about Corby

    people tend to care because they think shes innocent then peple that think shes guilty dont care i still dont know what i i just dont care..
  5. soha

    Why do people cheat?

    yeah like you always hurt the ones you love etc...but more so people make mistakes
  6. soha

    whos packin it right about now???

    dont frett there are so many options and alternatives out there
  7. soha

    Why do people cheat?

    lust temptataion boredom stupidity(drunkness) anger revenge just to name a few reasons why ppl might cheat?
  8. soha

    aus man (douglas wood) being held hostage in iraq?

    well it doenst make sense to me whats doing...
  9. soha

    aus man (douglas wood) being held hostage in iraq?

    yeah like wtf what happened to him no more media on him is he dead wtf i wanna know..oh wellz
  10. soha

    Catchy songs

    holla back girl is always in my head argh
  11. soha

    Salvation army - The Red Shield Appeal

    um.. i didnt stop and aks her i dont think it will be that bad i mean it was bags of chips and chocolate and lollies we have that stuff stay on our shelves for a few days without going bad..and they expire in months im sure a plane fflight wont do much harm to them and a troop over in iraq...
  12. soha

    Salvation army - The Red Shield Appeal

    maybe a little off topic but today a little old lady bought some bags of chips and lollies anc chocolates from me and asked me to weigh it before she buys anything so i scanned em and put em ina bag and she said it cant be over 2 kilos i was like ok it was 1.970 or something like that so...
  13. soha

    Do Guys Accept Flowers?

    i wanted to give a guy flowers as a present so i asked him in general do u like flowers he said no..he has allergies to them..or something like that i was like..okaay then
  14. soha

    wat is a song nearly everyone loves

    well the beatles didnt sing wonderwall.. which is a SONG that everyone likes we are talking about songs..not artists i would still like the matter who sang it
  15. soha

    wat is a song nearly everyone loves

    everything i do is a mad song who cares if hes universally laughed at we're talking about a song nearly everyone loves
  16. soha

    wat is a song nearly everyone loves

    more like just because u dont like it it means everyone doesnt like it..or its crap? obviously you cant speak for everyone ..but its a very popular song up until this day...
  17. soha

    wat is a song nearly everyone loves

    they have been emntioned heaps of times so ..yes.....