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  1. Kirsty Xx

    2 exams in 1 day!

    Toughen up Princess
  2. Kirsty Xx

    movies vs books

  3. Kirsty Xx

    twilight series

    Lol there you are!
  4. Kirsty Xx

    Do you have a tutor?

    I'm just mathematically challenged :(
  5. Kirsty Xx

    2 exams in 1 day!

    I fully agree with the endorsement from the above post
  6. Kirsty Xx

    2 exams in 1 day!

    Oh mY g0D i'm T0tALLy liEK dA 0nLy perS0n iN da sTatE wiTh 2 eXamS on DA saMe DaY!!! I'm SCreWeD!!! Harden up and just try and relax a bit. You have good quality time now to do adequate revision for both subjects and therefore perform equally as well in each. You can do it. Try your hardest...
  7. Kirsty Xx

    How to deal with mean drunks

    Which bit do you find funny?
  8. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Haha yeah of course :) Back on topic, I think i'm making a few more posters during STUVAC... Maybe another for Biology and one for Food Tech :o
  9. Kirsty Xx

    How to deal with mean drunks

    Um, punch him the fuck out? No, don't do that. He's not worth hanging around with when drunk then. Simple. Just don't be with him. Or just give him enough juice so he passes out and then shave off his eyebrow. Threaten to do the other one if he becomes a nasty drunk again.
  10. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Aw you have the most awesome cactus family! I have a fake gerbera on my desk, and my cactus were placed in the kitchen instead. I've been looking for an actual cacti family but haven't found the perfect one yet :o or one that isn't too expensive :p Two computers on the same desk? Whatever for?
  11. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Worth a bit of a watch. Yeah I still have a huge pile of Year 11 folders and enough paper to rival the Amazon. I might try and sell that stuff too... Oh but the effort. I'm considering burning what I can't get rid of, maybe a ritual dance too.
  12. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    What are you guys planning to do with all you notes and huge piles of paper teachers gave you? Selling it? Burning it? Recycling it? I can probably get rid of everything (well most of the paper) some way or another, except for all my Adv Eng work because of the syllabus change :(
  13. Kirsty Xx

    Class of 2008 is the largest ever HSC Cohort

    I was going to say that, yes.
  14. Kirsty Xx

    Class of 2008 is the largest ever HSC Cohort

    Oh the joy of competing against so many people.
  15. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    lulz don't worry, happens all the time :o Pages 16 & 17 btw.
  16. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    Lol oh no don't called me Kristy! Yeah somewhere previously in this thread marcquelle and I were discussing the advantages of doing your own big posters :) I think it's a great idea, since i'm a visual-learning person.
  17. Kirsty Xx

    What does your study area look like? [POST PHOTOS]

    It's not as cluttered as it looks... I have a fair bit of room when I push the keyboard and other stuff aside :o All those posters on the wall regard Biology stuff, I think i'm selling them when the HSC is over :) as a big set with all my Biology text books and notes.
  18. Kirsty Xx

    studying 8-10 hrs a day during STUVAC

    Hush Char don't tell them that now! I did 10 hours yesterday :o
  19. Kirsty Xx

    King Lear - Readings. Help!

    I actually enjoyed King Lear; I think it was one of the better Shakespearean plays we have studied.
  20. Kirsty Xx

    King Lear - Readings. Help!

    It depends how they want you to respond to the question. If they say they want a speech or a personal debate, journal entry, radio interview, letter or feature article then you'd most likely write in first person. It's difficult to say whether you're able to write in first person just...