Search results

  1. K

    B Chiropractic Science

    If you do it propely it is not anal penetration.. its more like.. anal-wall touching.. Does that mean a vet can do breast examination as well ? I mean we know how to diagnose a myriad of diseases, why not breast cancer in humans ? also physio do alot of rehab work for those who've had...
  2. K

    B Chiropractic Science

    you're one to you giving a patient a rectal is also classified as sodomising consent? we have owner consent and its a golden retriever, it lets you do anything to it (for clinical examination)
  3. K

    B Chiropractic Science

    hahaha you havent seen anything yet :p We've given rectals.. though im sure the Golden retriever i practised on was quite happy for me to take a rectal, mainly because i had a pocketful of treats.. though i dont blame her for getting restless after a whole class of vet students practising
  4. K

    sterile technique??

    +Using alcohol to wipe down things +Using gloves and avoid direct contact with implements i cant think of anything else :(
  5. K

    The Raven ---- Urgent!! Please help

    If you do a search in the english forum for "the raven" im sure notes will come up
  6. K

    Online Specialties Quiz

    :( :( :( :( :(
  7. K

    Online Specialties Quiz

    Rank Specialty Score 1 aerospace med 47 2 med oncology 47 3 psychiatry 45 4 pediatrics 45 5 obstetrics/gynecology 44 6 radiology 44 7 occupational med 44 8 hematology 44 9 nephrology 44 10 emergency med 44 11 radiation oncology 44 12 dermatology 43 13...
  8. K


    The commonwealth one doesnt, im sure. But im not too sure about the other access scholarship.
  9. K


    I got one too :) I hope it makes up for the amount of clinical books i have to buy ...
  10. K

    Anyone doing physio?

    *refrains from making comments* =]
  11. K

    Medicine at otago

    Why should the weather be a determining factor whether or not you want to medicine? Also, mind you they take like heaps of people into that general health science degree and only say 100 ish go into med + 50 ish get into dentistry. I think it was like about 700+ people for the course intake...
  12. K


    I agree with PwarYuex, if you're "immature" then why do you want to do med? I was just talking to someone and they brought up that you are going to have encounter people with amputated limbs, and smashed faces from car accidents, and a screaming 8 year old child with a piece of glass in their...
  13. K

    Thesis Statements on Imaginative Journeys

    Im giving you guys info to use :p
  14. K

    What really bugs me:

    Whats really bugs me is the amount of people who dont appreciate the work and effort thats been put in for YOUR usage on this forum/website. What do you classify as a "bad" essay? ALL essays that are submitted through before being placed on the resources page are filtered and read by mods...
  15. K

    Text ideas for 'Telling the Truth' :)
  16. K

    SMH - Too many doctors in the house

    Holy shit, 250 students in med? .. .. robert: Definitely (re: horses). Dont you have to actually have consent from the person/family to work on it? Im sure theres a bazillion legal rights on this. Im not 100% sure of this is the case for animals, but for me, i work in a group of three on a...
  17. K

    hm, volunteer work / charity stuff etc

    I thought St john ambulance was a course you had to pay for and was like a "qualification" to your resume, not so much volunteering... Charity days where they sell merchandise like star day/red nose day/ bandanna day/bandage bear day are always accepting volunteers.
  18. K

    degrees in demand

    I so totally disagree about vets. I can tell you that people who are doing vet for the money are heading for a road of utter disapointment. We have pretty "shit" pay for a professional, though i strongly believe in doing what you love, not for the money. I mean, not everyone has a dog/cat and...
  19. K

    UAC and usyd

    Maybe theyre ACESS entrance marks?
  20. K


    I have an assingment due every week