There is this category call PSFP school or isolated schools where you can apply for EAS. If Shaolhaven high is part of one of those category then your EAS is automatic, you don't need to do anything else and you will get the bonus.
No, but their children are born in the refugee camp in Palestine. Now there are over 1 million refugees as a result. Though I hardly see your argument as effective. It was only 40 (expuslion was continious) years ago, a lot of them are still alive.
According to the UN preliminary report there is a 99.9% chance that no militant was present in the UN school. Human shield is just an excuse.
The Hamas simply represents the anger of hundreds of thousands of refugees expelled from their home in 1948 for the glory of Israel. Though we all know...
Not wanting to split hair. In this occasion calling someone a philistine for not knowing Hebrew is obviously wrong! I don't know what you are fussing about.
If I was in a Hebrew function and could not understand Hebrew then scolding me would be justifiable. But this is not the case here.
If you are teaching Hebrew in Australia then it's okay, if you are speaking Hebrew to someone who knows Hebrew it is okay too.
Schroedinger noted that if you don't know Hebrew you are a philistine.
How many people on boredofstudies can read Hebrew??? The Hebrew poster is OBVIOUSLY being unpleasant.
It's like me talking behind you using another language, no many people like it.
I thought it was elected as the International language by the United Nation. Official United Nation documents and announcements are done in English. Why do you ask??
But who's racist? All she noted is Australia is an English speaking country and English should be used. If one insist on using Hebrew they should use it in their own country where it has some use.
Huh??? So if you cant read Hebrew you are a philistine??? I thought English is the international language and's official language. Anyone can type some foreign language and act smart and mock the reader when they cant read it.....
We can either justify killing people for Israel, the aggressor, or Palestine, the victim.
When you weight the two I guess the latter is the better choice to justify for.