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  1. wendus

    What's Modern History Like?

    re: Year 12 Modern History i love modern so much yes germany is the best! wwii also awesome.
  2. wendus

    Who loves the HSC?

    yeah i fucking love the fucking hsc
  3. wendus

    Stale mate on the Western Front - help

    good one lauren! (:
  4. wendus

    Do you use prepared English essays?

    prepared essays are awesome
  5. wendus

    King Lear help

    you need 2 productions for monday but they can both be relatively similar. also i think the syllabus wants your own interpretation supported by a reading rather than the other way round and lol that is heaps on one theme! wish i could write that much on just one
  6. wendus

    girl on girl?

    DDDDD: i feel sorry for you ):
  7. wendus

    King Lear help

    your own interpretation should be supported by those readings, so i'm assuming you're taking the same point of view as those? how long is your essay btw
  8. wendus

    Penis Size... does it matter?

    lol suchi lol
  9. wendus

    King Lear help

    structure it thematically.
  10. wendus

    girl on girl?

    lollllllllll i actually get what you mean about the whole immature guys thing... ALSO BEEN COOPED UP IN A GIRLS SCHOOL FOR 6 YEARS it's stifling
  11. wendus

    King Lear help

    why don't you look up some past papers? that might help with questions. your content looks fine to me. just structure it right
  12. wendus


    extracts can mean anything you interpret it to mean but yeah scenes would be substantial
  13. wendus

    context for BNW/BR

    it's called 'comparative study of text and context' you need a fair bit.
  14. wendus

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    Ddddddddddd: edit: i hate that censor.
  15. wendus

    Was Text 3, Section 1 a Dog or Human??

    Re: The Poem Was About A Dog? i'm pretty sure it wasn't about a dog... it was just goldworthy's (or the persona's) journey back in time. he was probably just using metaphors
  16. wendus

    King Lear help

    wow you're not gonna be able to pull this off in one day
  17. wendus

    YAY we're on the news

    we were filmed too... hahaha though they used us as a springboard to talk about bad spelling and grammar. fuck channel 10
  18. wendus

    What pen have you been using for you HSC exams?

    i hate bic crystals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. wendus

    Physical Journey: "Human Spirit"

    totally agree with babesterDJ how fucking specific can you get just cos it's the last year.