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  1. braindrainedAsh

    Tax Declaration Form

    Yeah, it's a declaration of employment form that you have to fill in and submit to the ATO within 2 weeks of commencing a new job. As Kylie said, they have them at newsagencies, or at ATO offices. Really, your employer should have some, it's pretty slack that they don't.
  2. braindrainedAsh

    Ever thought about what you REALLY want as a career?

    I'd like to be a news journalist (any genre, though preferably print).... and then move in to a role doing cultural journalism (like food/film reviews) and feature writing... particularly some travel writing. Then maybe one day I would like to own my own small business.... maybe when I get too...
  3. braindrainedAsh

    HAY GUYS! The Unions are sick of small crowds

    Cheaper food is probably one of the least important things that the union provides....
  4. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    What value can you put on cultural and social enrichment?
  5. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    Not everyone at housing can get youth allowance. Many are international students, and even many locals can't get it, unless they have deferred and worked for 18 months earning $17000 or whatever it is. Plus... on your idea of how things work, should people get youth allowance? Should you...
  6. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    UTS's housing service is very new. You will find that at USyd they are well established.... they don't have debts to pay off do they? Plus, their newest venture (Sydney University Village) is owned by a private company. There is concern with what will happen to UTS Housing after VSU.... I...
  7. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    Cheap housing doesn't always make a profit, don't you understand? By the time they pay for staff in the housing office, cleaners, gas, electricity, water, maintenance, occasional housing activities during o week, rates, not to mention repayments on the massive loans they took out to pay for...
  8. braindrainedAsh

    "It never rains, but it pours!"

    Happened to me as well.... applied for jobs, took a shit job, two weeks later got interview for like 5 other jobs... I picked a couple of the interviews to go for and got those jobs. Congrats!
  9. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    It doesn't say it in that, but I have spoken to people at housing, and in the union/SA about it. Potentially losing some of their housing which will have revenue raising potential in the future is something that the university is highly concerned about. Plus, a uni with no housing? How shit...
  10. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    UTS's housing isn't currently profitable because they have just purchased a large building and are currently in millions of debt for it. Without the housing contribution paid by students they may have to sell off some of the UTS housing sites because it may not be sustainable... or rent may...
  11. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    From the UTS vice chancellor: Dear Students and Colleagues At its meeting on Monday the UTS Council unanimously confirmed its long standing opposition to Voluntary Student Unionism (VSU) and stated its opposition to Federal legislation that has been introduced to enforce VSU. VSU is a...
  12. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    To whoever posted up the USyd one above, you forgot all the stuff that their Sports organization does as well. I can't believe people want their campuses to be devoid of university life. At UTS, the vice chancellor and university staff encouraged students to attend the protest because at...
  13. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    Anyone who takes the actual numbers who protested as a count of the actual numbers who support USU must be extremely stupid. Many people are not of the protesting genre... I assume many people on this board who like VSU would not attend a protest which was pro-VSU. BTW, Brendon Nelson's...
  14. braindrainedAsh

    VSU Protest Today

    Did anyone go? It was a great day, an amazing show of student power. I started at UTS, we went up to Pitt St, and then looped back around when we met the group from UNSW, and met up with the USyd group at Railway Sq and then we marched down Broadway...
  15. braindrainedAsh

    Rules for workers

    Yeah, as a worker it annoys me when I have to work with other people who are really slack and spend too much time talking when we are busy. Also, I hate it when I am working in food and the other workers don't clean properly so I have to reclean their stuff. I mean, when you are working in...
  16. braindrainedAsh

    Airport USA

    I know.... and people are such assholes to the staff who are going out of their way to help them.
  17. braindrainedAsh

    Airport USA

    Does anyone else watch this? To me, it shows how stupid some people are..... I mean, they are late for their flight and miss it, and then throw a strop because they don't get on the next flight.... hello, you were the one who was late. And there is this lady who thinks she would be able...
  18. braindrainedAsh

    missy higgins

    I can't believe people are knocking her accent.... it's refreshing to hear someone singing with an Australian accent in my opinion.
  19. braindrainedAsh

    Distance Education

    You could always study part time on campus if that is an option with your degree.... I think it would be quite possible to work full time and study part time if you were committed. I reckon distance ed would be difficult... so isolated from other students and tutors etc.