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  1. gouge.away

    weirdest food

    no because it is the shit when chocolate is not an option. balut, on the other hand, is weird. ETA: balut is a filipino delicacy consisting of half-developed duck embryo
  2. gouge.away

    Exhange to Germany in 09?

    Some exchange programs offer intensive language courses prior to departure and maybe if you've studied another European language it shouldn't be as difficult. English is a Germanic language and the only major hurdles I can see are the syntax and the genders. Have fun.
  3. gouge.away

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    :jaw: you can't rape the willing, and he was definitely willing.
  4. gouge.away

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    i went physically weak at the knees when he came on stage [the metro 17/11/07].
  5. gouge.away

    Best+Worst of Teacher Quotes and Habits

    my legal teacher always says "does that make sense?" religion teacher (after talking about 'feeling the presence of God within oneself'): if you all keep talking i'll be feeling your presence at lunch. everyone: resounding "ew/is that legal?"
  6. gouge.away

    Unconventionally Attractive Celebrities

    patrick wolf.
  7. gouge.away

    World Youth Day

    cost of registration is exorbitant. it's almost pentecostal.
  8. gouge.away

    The Buyer's Remorse Thread

    $500 dollar boots from Camper which cannot even accommodate tucked-in jeans due to muscular calves. now have to invest time in pilates and dresses. dammit.
  9. gouge.away

    Should Religous Schools Be Shut Down?

    religious schools are there (imo) because: 1. they hearken back to the day when religion was an important part of society, and are extant reminders of this - some people have retained religiosity and these schools give them the option to perpetuate this and in a democracy this is allowed 2...
  10. gouge.away

    The Electronic Music Thread

    inclined to agree with that, but... i'm surprised that AIR has not been mentioned. </dilettante>
  11. gouge.away

    Who was your first celebrity crush?

    richard moorecroft (sp?) from abc news. i don't remember how old i was. mid to late 90s. that is some f***ed up shit. i'm more into footballers (soccer players, that is) now. thank god.
  12. gouge.away

    your current favourite song

    to the lighthouse - patrick wolf & idioteque - radiohead there's something about songs with an underlying sense of vaguely apocalyptic urgency.
  13. gouge.away


    eng ext >85% eng adv >90% maths 2U >95% economics >90% legal >95% [really want to top this] SOR 2 CBF modern >85% [distance ed is a bitch]
  14. gouge.away

    What's your fav subject so far?

    whoa. easy to grasp? what? english ext + maths 2u + legal = <3
  15. gouge.away

    2009ers: How was your school day?

    We had mufti/St. Patrick's day, and because mother refused to let me out of the house in what I originally wanted to wear we had a 20 minute argument and I ended up wearing knee-high boots and a clingy green dress. *shudder* Maths - my release subject. Quadratic functions = <3 Economics -...
  16. gouge.away

    Are free periods beneficial?

    They're really good when there are other people doing the sameish subjects and you can use them as sounding boards for your ideas. But when you have too many (I have 12 every 10 days) and are alone for many of them you begin to miss the stimulation of human contact. Zzz.
  17. gouge.away

    anyone else enjoying yr 11 more?

    heaps of people i know have either fallen behind or are getting over breakdowns due to adjustment issues w/ the HW. it's beyond frightening, and the adv. english module [which the majority of the year is doing - myself included] isn't helping - all these questions on identity and sylvia plath's...
  18. gouge.away

    School / Subject

    Re: What school you at? holy shit i was going to go there. and you're in my year too. freaky. what would make it even freakier would be if you went to LSSC.
  19. gouge.away

    School / Subject

    Re: POLL - What school you at? St. Clare's Waverley. It fits into most sports ovals. It's also a great place for a crash course in autodidacticism.
  20. gouge.away

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    2U Mathematics 2U SOR 2U Economics 2U Legal Studies 2U Modern History 3U English Stupid f***ing timetable clashes made me drop French [which I was topping] for 2U SOR :vcross: Hopefully everyone got what they wanted.